Meghan Markle Threatens Principal as Montecito Pre School Excludes Archie and Lili from Student List


An exclusive revelation from a Montecito  resident   who   lives   near  Prince Harry and  Meghan   Markle   has   shed  light on the couple's  school   choices  for their children.  

In an interview on  the   "Hello's   A  Right Royal" podcast, Richard  Miniers  provides insight into the  educational   opportunities  for Archie Harrison and Lilibet Diana in the sunny  city  of Montecito, California,  home   to  famous residents like Oprah Winfrey, James  Corden  and Katy Perry. 

 Minyers   admits  his information is  speculation,   but   suspects  Archie  is  attending a  reputable   kindergarten  in Montecito, such as  Montecito's   prestigious  Cold Spring  School.   But  recent news from  a   supposed   kindergarten   school  has surprised many. 

 The  kindergarten   announced  that Archie and Lilibet  were  not enrolled in  the   facility   and   said   it   had  no  attendance   records.  In the United States,  a   4-year-old's   back   to  school  typically begins in the  fall   before  their fourth birthday,  and  younger children attend  full-day   centers   rather   than  formal  school.  

Some skeptics have  questioned  Meghan's claims,  claiming  that if  Meghan  had children,  they  would  be seen  constantly  taking pictures  in   public   with   her   children  and smiling for  cameras. These  allegations  are further  bolstered  by conflicting statements,  including   her  previous  allegations  that Lilibet  attended   a  Los Angeles  school   and   nursery   school   linked  to Tyler. Critics  have   dismissed  these claims as baseless and fabricated,  as   they  often  come  from Meghan  and  her associates. 

 The  lack  of  photographic evidence  showing   that  Archie  attended   kindergarten   has   sparked   suspicion  among critics. One would expect  to   see   a  regular  sighting  of  a   car  leaving the mansion at a  certain  time each  day   to   drop  Archie  off   at  school. However, no such  insight   has  been reported.  Furthermore,  no other  parent   has  come forward  to   say  their children are friends with Archie. Critics argue that this lack of evidence supports their  assumption  that Archie and Lilibet may not exist or  live in Montecito. 

 These  constant  rumors  questioning  the existence of Archie and Lilibet  haunt  the royal couple.  Even   before   Lilibet   was   born,  Child  Protective  Services  were   called  in Santa Barbara  to  check   on   Archie.  At the time, CPS  said  the couple's address at 765 Rockbridge Road did not  match  the correct  location  and no  children  of Archie's age lived there. The  kindergarten's  recent statement  confirming  that  Prince  Harry and  Meghan   Markle's  children are not  enrolled  only  reinforces  the  popular   belief  that the couple's  children  may not be real. 

 Critics  have   pointed  out that  none  of the  available   images   of  children  look   bizarre   and   do   not   match   their   normal   growth   patterns,   including   odd  angles,  different  facial  expressions,  and inconsistent  sizes.  Meanwhile, experts  have   noted   that  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle  have   continued   to   stir   up   controversy   as   they   stray  from their  status as a  beloved  royal couple.  Royal  critic  and author Angela Levin highlights the  dramatic   changes  the Sussexes have undergone since  retiring  from royal life. She also  expressed   concern  about the precarious situation the couple  are  in,  especially  after their partnership with Spotify  fell   apart  less than a year after its launch. 

 With Meghan reportedly working on  the  prequel to Dickens'  Great   Legacy   at   her   home  and Prince Harry planning an Africa Center documentary away from the glitz and  glitz  of Hollywood,  her   change   of  circumstances  deserves   special  attention. 

 Meghan   Markle's  recent confession sheds light on the  link  between her low self-esteem and her  selfish   and   disdainful  behavior  towards people. 

 Her   Meghan   narcissism  seems  to   have  reached alarming  levels   that   border  on  her  unhealthy obsession.  You   can't  help but notice her uncanny ability to  monitor  cameras at every opportunity.  Additionally,  she  oozes   her  exaggerated  self-esteem.  

Whether it's her  over-the-top   frolic  at royal  functions  or her  habit   of   directing   her  conversations  to  herself, her  self-image   seems   overdone.   She   is  an  average  attractive  woman  thanks to  some  cosmetic  tweaks,   but  her  appearance lacks the  fun  and grace  that   people   might  expect. Her smile, adorned with  her   flashy   decorations,  only adds to  her   artificial  and  eerie   vibe.  Meghan's ability to downplay  her  failures and  emphasize  her role on the  TV  show  Suits   is   an   example   of  her tendency to  exaggerate  her own importance. She  convinced  herself that her  role  on  her  show was far more  important  than it  actually  was. This  exaggerated  perception  of   her  allowed her to claim  that  she  sacrificed  her entire life  without   taking   it   seriously  during  her  engagement interview and  the   conversation   that   followed.  In her  eyes,  she has always considered herself  to   be   a   very   important   person.  

Insiders have  expressed   mixed   feelings,   commenting  on Meghan's  journey. 

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