FAKE PREGNANCY!! Harry LET LOOSE on Meghan amid infertility allegations, Claims Ignited by Prince Harry's Encounter with Kate Middleton

 Meghan Markle's  fertility   allegations  and  claims   she   used  a  'moon   bump'  have caused quite a  stir,  especially after Prince Harry shook hands with King Charles,  leaving  some to question Meghan's pregnancy.  . 

The speculation revolves around  Meghan   not   actually   being   pregnant,   but   her  consistent use of what some call a  "moonbump."  Prince Harry,  once close to the royal family, has  come   under   fire  since his marriage to  Meghan   Markle,  and this  meeting  with King Charles  could   cause   Prince   Harry   to  reconsider his hasty  decision. 
In  old video  clips,  reporters and cameramen focused on Meghan  Markle  during  her  visit to Morocco in February 2019. In the clip,  she   says   the  cameraman  noticed  something  was   wrong   with  Meghan's pregnant belly  when  she entered  the   royal   palace.  Meghan, who  is   said   to   be  eight months pregnant,  appeared   to   be  running and  jumping  around, raising  questions  about the  credibility  of her pregnancy.
Some observers  suspected  that  her   "full   moon   belly"   had   changed,  and Meghan  typically   showed   no  discomfort or physical changes  associated with pregnancy.  When  a reporter asked about  Meghan   Markle's   pregnancy   in   an   awkward   moment,  Prince Harry responded with an inappropriate joke, "Is  that   mine?",   a  response  alluding   to   the  strained relationship at the time.
Another  video   of   the   departure  from  Morocco showed Meghan  Markle  and  Prince  Harry parting ways with Crown Prince Moulay Hassan. Meghan initially  appeared   upset   as   she  walked past  the   couple.  She then turned  and  spoke   to  Crown Prince Moulay Hassan before getting into the car,  causing   the  photographer to  say,  "She's  evil."   The   audio   has   been   replaced   with   music   in   some  videos of these  incidents,  but the underlying  tension   is  evident.
Meghan  claims   she   was   about  30 weeks pregnant during  her   trip   to   Morocco,  and most airlines  allow  pregnant women to fly  up   to   her   37th   week   of   pregnancy.  Meghan had previously announced that she  would  give birth in late April or early May.  The  visit to Morocco  became   an   important  royal  event   in   1980,  as  Queen Elizabeth II  made   her   first   and   final   visit   to   Morocco  as part of a two-week tour of Italy and North Africa.  While some believe  Meghan  Markle  and  Prince  Harry's relationship with the royal family has  deteriorated   beyond   repair,  others  believe  there may still be a chance  of  reconciliation if the couple  change  their approach and  demeanor.  Emmanuel  Philibert,   Duke  of  Savoy,  expressed  his  sympathy for Harry, especially during the  coronation,   which  his father  had to attend alone.  The  Italian prince shared his  views  on the  ongoing feud  between   the   Sussexes   and  the royal family, highlighting the challenges and tensions that have  arisen  since  stepping   away  from  public   duty. 

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