Palace Insider Reveals Meghan Markle's Request for Monthly Allowance from King, Allegedly Using Prince Harry as Leverage

Recently,  a  palace   insider   made   some 
 pretty   interesting   revelations.  Meghan Markle allegedly  used  the tactic of threatening to reveal certain information about Prince  Harry   to   demand   a   monthly   allowance   from   King   Charles.  

This development  leaves  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle  at  a pivotal  time,   marked  by a lack of  significant  success in their recent endeavors.  In   an   article  for Australia,  royal   commentator   Daniela   Elsa  highlights the couple's struggle to escape the shadow of  a  widely perceived tendency to criticize the royal family. 

 They   are   portrayed  as  disaffected   individuals   who   appear   outside  of  their privileged  position,   which   means   they   are  far from being seen as influential or inspirational leaders.  I   am.  Elsa questions Meghan's  expectations.   She   especially   amid  rumors that  Meghan   is   watching  Kevin Costner and Christine  Baumgartner's  divorce proceedings for  inspiration.  Duchess  Meghan  has   reportedly   asked   King   Charles   for  financial  help,   but  the British royal family appears  to   be   reluctant  to provide  such assistance. Given that  Prince  Harry is no longer a  member of the royal family  or  heir to the throne, it seems unlikely that Meghan will receive  financial support  in  this  regard.   What   is   noteworthy   is   that  even  with   Fergie,   she  received  significantly  less  money  than  Diana.  

 Additionally,  Meghan  and   her   children   inherited   nothing  from the late Queen's  will.   Essentially,  the question  is,   if   Meghan   were   to   divorce   Prince   Harry,  on what basis  would   she  expect  financial support from  Prince   Charles?   Given   that   Duchess   Kate,   not   Duchess   Meghan,   is   the   mother   of   the   heir   to   the   throne,   it   appears   that  her threats, including the alleged blackmail attempt, may not carry  as   much  weight  as  she  believes.  One theory put  forward  by experts is that Meghan initially  thought  Harry and William would share  her  parents'   fortune   equally   and   have   unlimited  access to  their   vast  wealth. However, it  turns   out  that Harry's personal finances  are   much  more  limited  and he  has   to   rely  on his father for financial support. This realization may have  led   to  Meghan  demanding   a   large   sum   of   money  from Queen Elizabeth and  Queen  Charles. 

 Another   commentator,  Tom Bauer,  suggested  that  given  the royal family's vast  wealth,   Meghan   may   have   been   thinking   about   marrying   into   the   A-list   lifestyle   of   a   billionaire.  However, she soon learned that  much   of  the royal family's wealth  was  tied up in land, castles, and jewelry, much of which  belonged  to the  royal   family  rather than the family itself. This discovery may have led to her  dissatisfaction   because   her  family's spending habits did not  meet  her expectations. 

 Meghan's   alleged  request for a monthly allowance from King  Charles   under   threat  has raised questions about her financial expectations and the  reality  of her position within the royal family. It appears  their  attempts to  obtain   significant  financial support may face  major  hurdles. 

 Speculation  about the royal couple's marital  problems  began swirling  after  the Duchess of Sussex was spotted  appearing   in   public  without her wedding  ring.  These subtle signs  raise  questions about the state of their union,  with  insiders  recently  shedding  light on some of the  possible  reasons  for  their  split,   according   to   a   report   in   Geo   News   on   Monday,   September   11,   2023.   I   guessed   it.  

 The   main  factor that has  come   up  in  the   discussion  surrounding their  breakup  is Meghan Markle's interest in making a  big   return   to  Hollywood.  

Her ambition to  revive  her acting  career   and  Prince Harry's desire to pursue new opportunities outside  of  the royal  family   appear  to  be   putting  a  lot   of  strain on their relationship. 

 Dispelling   months   of   speculation,  a senior source with  close  ties to the  Los   Angeles  media industry  told  the Daily  Mail:  "It's 100  percent  over."  Hollywood   Confidence  This insider  claim  from a  well-informed  source  further   lends   credibility   and  credibility to the  rumors  being   spread.   It  confirms the couple's  problematic  relationship.  

The source  also   revealed  that the couple's lucrative deal with Netflix, which they  signed  after stepping down as senior royals in 2020, is also  at   risk.  Netflix may not renew  Prince Harry and Meghan  Markle's   contracts  when  they   expire  in two  years,   according   to   sources. 

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