King Charles's Furious Secret Message to Prince Harry: 'Don't Shout at Me' from Mansion House

 Furious  King Charles  reportedly sent a  subdued  message to his  son  Prince  Harry   that   included   an  implicit  instruction:  "Don't  scream  at  me,"   a  revelation  claimed   by  royal commentator Angela Levan.  It   follows.  The  secret   message   is  believed to have been embedded  in  King  Charles'  recent  speech  at  his   residence  on  Wednesday  night.  

During  her  appearance on GB News,  Ms  Levan discussed the  King's  speech and  referred  to  specific  passages   such   as:  "Do we  instinctively and unerringly  pause  before  we   say  or  do   anything,   so   as  to  give  equal weight to both sides of the  scale?"   Will   our  society  do   so?   ”   Let's   make   it  a  kinder,  gentler  place.  

Levan interpreted this  part  as a veiled message to Prince Harry,  asking   her  not to approach  him  with confrontational demands  or   abusive   language,  especially  given   his  ongoing apologies to  Meghan   Markle.   advised.  When asked  if these  texts   actually  contained  secret  messages,  she cautiously  replied:  This seems to be  written between the lines  -  be  quiet,  don't shout, don't demand, but let's  get   justice.  Unfortunately, I don't think Harry will pay  any  attention to  it.   ”  

 She pointed out that  she   felt   Levan   was   being   hypocritical   when   discussing   the   Sussexes'   recent   holiday   to   Canouan   in   the   Grenadines.   She   noted   that  the couple appears to  be   relying   on   their   families   for  financial  support,   but  their  extravagance  and lack of financial  prudence   are   notable.   She   was   also   concerned   that   they   were   using   commercial   aircraft   while   defending   others   against  their  use.  She cited Meghan's visits to impoverished areas  wearing expensive jewelry and clothing as another example of this perceived  contradiction.  

King Charles is said to be  dissatisfied  with his  second   son  Prince Harry, who has  made   his  family's  dissatisfaction   public   in  multiple  interviews   and   exposed  perceived injustices  within the  royal   institution.   ing.  Tom Quinn,  author of  Gilded   Youth,  an intimate  story  of growing up in the royal family, shared insights from conversations with  people  who worked closely with  Meghan  Markle  and  Prince  Harry during their time in  the   UK.  He also interviewed  people  who worked for  Prince  William and  Duchess  Kate, revealing that  there is  far  more anger  privately   over  the situation than what  has   been   shown   publicly.  

King Charles, in particular, is reportedly deeply  dissatisfied  with the  publicity   of  these family  matters.   Mr  Quinn  said   Prince  Harry  had   always  expressed dissatisfaction with  his   treatment  and  had  made  harsh   comments  about his  stepmother  Queen  Camilla  in his  memoirs,   making  her controversial role as  a  "third  party".   He   pointed   out   that   this   suggests   that   she   may   be   a   threat   after   her   death.  Princess Diana's marriage to Charles. 

 Prince  William  is  also  said to be  furious  with  Prince  Harry  after   he   accused   him   of   causing  serious  injuries.   According  to Quinn,  the   accusation  further fueled  Prince  William's anger, as revealed by the royal  author.  

While Prince William has  been   praised  for upholding the principles  instilled   in   him   by   his  mother, Princess Diana,  Prince Harry has  faced  intense public criticism. It is now clear that Princess Diana  emphasized  the value of empathy,  and  in  particular   taught  Prince William the  importance  of  forging   genuine,  caring  connections  with others. 

 Meanwhile,  King Charles  is   disappointed   in  his  second   son  Prince Harry,  who   has   spoken   out   about   private   family   issues   in  numerous public  interviews.  This  deeply  upset  the British monarch,  who  along with his wife  Duchess  Meghan, formerly known as Meghan Markle,  have  experienced  injustice  within the  royal   system.  

Tom Quinn,  author of  Gilded   Youth,  an intimate  tale  of growing up in the royal family, shared insights  from conversations with  people  who worked closely with Meghan  Markle  and  Prince  Harry during their time in  the   UK.  He also interviewed  people  who worked for  Prince  William and  Duchess  Kate. These discussions revealed a  striking  contrast between  the   family's  private  tensions and the public  façade  they  maintained.  

 King  Charles'  resentment towards the Duke of  Sussex   is   particularly   concerning   given   Prince   William's   alleged   physical   assault   on   Prince  Harry.  The   accusation  reportedly  angered   Prince  William and further  cemented  the  royal  family's   reluctance.  

Conversely,  Lord   Magdy,  a  renowned  heart  surgeon   and  close friend of Princess Diana, emphasized the importance of empathy  towards  Prince Charles. She believes that  Princess  Diana  educated  Prince William  well   and   instilled  in him  a   true  understanding and  participation   in   the   struggle  of  his   people,   qualities   that  she believes will make  Prince   William  an exceptional future king.  



  1. This article is interesting, BUT would benefit from good editing and proofreading! Some parts dint make sense.


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