Meghan Markle EXPLODES in Anger as King Chales DROPS last minute blow on Harry amid Disrespect to the Royal Family

 King Charles has  made  a decision that  will   shake   up  the royal family. We  all  know  that Prince Harry's relationship with his father, King Charles, has been strained for several years. 

 Tensions   have   only   increased   since   Prince  Harry and  Duchess  Meghan  left  the royal family in  2020.   Although   they   attended   Prince   Charles'  coronation in May 2023, their relationship remained  frosty.  But  then  everything changed.  Tensions   have   only   increased   since   Prince  Harry and  Duchess  Meghan  left  the royal family in  2020.   Although   they   attended   Prince   Charles'  coronation in May 2023, their relationship remained  frosty.  But  then  everything changed.  

Within the royal family,  they   often   play   an   important   role   as  a  state advisor. This role is crucial in  choosing   someone   to  replace the monarch  in   the   event   that   the   monarch   is  unable to perform  his   or   her  duties due to illness or travel.  It   is  a  role   that   comes   with   great  responsibility and trust, and Prince Harry  took   on  this role as one of the  King's   advisors   -   a  role that symbolized trust and respect. 

 However, in a move that  the world  can't   quite   believe,  King Charles  has  decided to strip Prince Harry of this  important  role.  Please   understand   this   carefully.   Harry   was  once an advisor to the  King,   but  now  he   has   been   sidelined.  This decision speaks volumes about the level of tension between  his  father and  son   and   throws   discord   into  their  relationship.  It was clear that their relationship had deteriorated to  the  point where respect was  overshadowed  by conflict. Harry's absence from this important family role and recent developments paint a  bleak  picture  for  their current relationship. 

 What  led  King Charles to make this  bold  decision remains a mystery,  and   it's   keeping  us all  on   edge  as we watch this royal drama unfold. Was it the culmination of years of unresolved  issues  or was there a specific incident that  sparked  this move? The  sight   continues   to   fascinate  us  as  we   witness   it.  

 I  can't help but wonder if there is any hope for reconciliation. Will Harry and Charles  be   able   to  find a way to mend their  broken  relationship, or  will  this  be  the  last  straw? Only time will reveal the fate of their royal bond. 

 Prince Harry  was   shocked  when King Charles  took   the   important   step   of   giving   Princess   Margaret's   descendants  a new  title,   but   it   was  a decision  that   was   in   line  with the late Queen's wishes.  King   Charles   III   passes  the anniversary of the Queen's  death.   Coordination   of  roles and appointments within the  Royal   Family.  

In addition to  inheriting  eight of his mother's  previous  honorary positions, he  also   showcased  some of his  own   connections.   At  the Queen's  request,  Princess  Margaret's   descendants   have   been   given  a new title.  

Among the recipients of this new title is  Princess Margaret's  grandson   Charles   Armstrong-Jones.   Prince  Charles may  no   longer   enjoy  the spotlight  like  his  once  famous   grandmother,   but   he's   definitely   carving   out  his  own  path as a young member of the royal family. In doing so, he  continues   a   tradition  of self-determination and  respect   for   privacy,   a   difficult   accomplishment  for anyone  connected  to the  Windsor   family.  

 Armstrong-Jones  now has the opportunity to take on a more prominent  public   role.   He   is   26th  in  line of succession to the throne.  In  recent years, he has represented the  Grand   Royal   Family  at  major   events   such   as  the Trooping the  Color  ceremony in September 2022. 

 A   period   of  transition following  the   death   of  Elizabeth  II  and  the   accession   of  Charles  III.   In  May 2023,  Armstrong-Jones  was  one   of  the many royal faces in attendance. As  Princess   Margaret's   only  child  with a royal title, he occupies a unique position among Princess Margaret's descendants. 

 As   part   of   a  broader  effort  to streamline the royal family and  reassess  the  properties  and titles of its members, King Charles had already  drawn   up   plans  for Princess Margaret's descendants. With his  formal  appointment as Viscount,  Armstrong-Jones  was  given   important   responsibilities  consistent with the late Queen's  confidence  in him. 

 After  the  death  of  Sir  Anthony  Armstrong-Jones,   the  title of Earl of Snowdon passed  to his eldest son, David  Armstrong-Jones.   As   a   result,   his  title now  belongs   to  Charles Armstrong Jones, securing his place as the future Earl of Snowdon,  just  like his father and grandfather before him. 

 Of   note,  Charles Armstrong Jones  had  previously held the ceremonial role of  honorary   page   at  major events such as coronations and the  opening  of  parliament.  Interestingly,  the   last   time   Prince   George   played  this role was  at  the coronation of  Charles  III.   In  2018.  In addition to his royal duties, Charles  continued   to   study   Product   Design   Engineering  at Loughborough University.

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