Prince Archie's Birth Certificate Resurfaces with Surprising Missing Detail



The birth certificate of Prince Archie, son of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, has recently resurfaced with a surprising detail missing. The official document, which was filed on May 17, 2019, at the Registrar’s Office in Westminster, contained the usual information such as the baby’s name, date and time of birth, and parents' names. However, one crucial detail was conspicuously absent – Prince Archie’s given surname.

As reported by daily Express While it is customary for royals to use only their first names, titles, and territories as surnames, the absence of a surname on Prince Archie's birth certificate raised some eyebrows. This missing detail led to questions and speculations about why it was not included in the official record.


According to royal experts, the lack of a surname on Prince Archie's birth certificate is not unprecedented. In fact, it is in line with the tradition of the British royal family, who often do not use surnames in official documents. The surname dilemma is a common issue that has plagued the royal family for generations, as they do not generally need to use their last names in daily life.

The British royal family has used various surnames over the years, depending on their lineage and title. For example, Queen Elizabeth II and her descendants are referred to as of the House of Windsor, while Prince Charles and his siblings were born with the surname Mountbatten-Windsor. However, these surnames are rarely used in practice, and most royals are simply known by their first names or titles.


In the case of Prince Archie, his parents decided not to give him a formal surname, as they wanted to distinguish him from other members of the royal family. Instead, they chose to use the title of "Master" before his first name, as a way of emphasizing his position as the son of a prince.

As a result, Prince Archie does not have an official surname, which has caused confusion among the public and media. Some have speculated that the omission of a surname on his birth certificate was a deliberate choice by his parents to protect his privacy and identity. Others have suggested that it was a simple oversight or administrative error.


Regardless of the reason behind the missing detail, Prince Archie's birth certificate has once again sparked interest in the complex and often convoluted naming conventions of the British royal family. While the absence of a surname may seem unusual to some, it is just one of many quirks and traditions that have been passed down through generations of royals.

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