Prince Harry warned to 'shut his mouth' by furious American Pie singer Don McLean


Prince Harry's memoir, "Spare," has been a topic of heated debate since its release, stirring reactions across the globe. One particular comment that sparked significant controversy was his critical account of visiting Elvis Presley’s iconic Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee. While many have voiced their opinions on various aspects of the book, the outspoken American Pie singer Don McLean did not hold back, openly admonishing the Duke of Sussex for his remarks.

In "Spare," Prince Harry shared his candid thoughts on Graceland, describing it as somewhat underwhelming. He noted the decor as outdated and the overall ambiance as less grand than expected, especially for a place held in such high esteem in American culture. His reflections were perceived by some as disrespectful to the legacy of Elvis Presley, a figure who holds an almost mythic status in American music history.


Harry's comments included vivid descriptions that painted the mansion in a rather unflattering light. He mentioned the 1970s decor and likened some of the rooms to a “badger sett.” These statements were seen by many fans of Elvis Presley as a slight against the King of Rock 'n' Roll and the cultural significance of his home.

Don McLean, best known for his 1971 hit "American Pie," did not take kindly to Harry's depiction of Graceland. In a series of interviews and public statements, McLean expressed his disdain for the Duke's comments. He emphatically suggested that Harry should "shut his mouth" and show more respect for American icons and heritage.

McLean's reaction was fueled by his deep appreciation for American music history and his belief in preserving the dignity of its most cherished symbols. He argued that Graceland is more than just a house; it is a pilgrimage site for millions of Elvis fans who view it as a sacred space. To dismiss it as anything less was, in McLean's view, a profound misunderstanding of its cultural value.


According to reports by Mirror, the clash between Prince Harry's British perspective and Don McLean's staunch American pride highlights a broader cultural divide. For many Americans, Elvis Presley is not just a musician but a cultural icon who embodies a significant era of American history. Graceland, therefore, is revered not just as a residence but as a symbol of Elvis's lasting impact on music and popular culture.

Harry's criticisms, whether intended as a slight or merely a candid observation, touched a nerve among those who hold Graceland in high regard. McLean's vehement response underscores the protective sentiment many Americans feel towards their cultural landmarks and legends.


"Spare" has been both lauded and criticized for its raw honesty and unflinching portrayal of Prince Harry's life and experiences. The memoir delves into his struggles within the royal family, his mental health battles, and his search for identity. However, Harry's willingness to critique widely revered institutions and figures has not always been well-received, particularly outside the UK.

Don McLean's reaction is a testament to the strong emotional ties that people have to their cultural heritage. While Harry’s memoir seeks to give readers an unvarnished look into his life, it also inevitably touches on sensitive topics that can provoke strong reactions.

The exchange between Prince Harry and Don McLean, though contentious, serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding. While personal reflections and honest critiques are valuable, they can also clash with the deep-seated reverence that others hold for certain icons and places.


For Prince Harry, navigating his public persona post-royal life involves a delicate balance of candid expression and awareness of the broader implications of his words. For public figures like Don McLean, it involves defending and preserving the cultural narratives that shape national identity.

In the end, the dialogue sparked by this incident highlights the powerful influence of cultural landmarks and the deep emotions they can evoke. Whether through music, literature, or historical sites, these symbols play a crucial role in shaping our collective memory and identity. Respecting these symbols, even while engaging in honest critique, is a challenge that continues to test the boundaries of cultural discourse.

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