DEVIL! Haz Was Brutally Booed When Veteran He BULLIED On Stage Committed SU!CIDE After Espy Awards


The scandal surrounding Prince Harry's Pat Tillman Award at the recent ESPN event has opened a floodgate of criticism and calls for action. Many veterans who once supported the Invictus Games now feel utterly betrayed by Harry's shameless self-promotion and disregard for the real purpose of the award. While the Prince has long portrayed himself as a champion of servicemen and women, his conduct at the ceremony proved otherwise. 


Harry had veterans on stage only as props to deflect any booing over his undeserved accolade. But using vulnerable veterans as human shields did nothing to erase the injustice felt in the audience of over 76,000 people. Nor did it hide the ungraciousness of Harry refusing to relinquish the spotlight even briefly out of respect for more worthy recipients. His hasty exit only further damaged the stained reputation of an award now seen as little more than a PR vehicle.


The lack of transparency around Invictus Games funding has also shattered trust in the organization. Though invocations of "service" fill Harry's speeches, there is no record of personal donations to back these words. Financial reports don't show surplus funds to support increased appearances or outreach despite Harry's freedoms growing. His absence from the event he founded speaks volumes. It seems the Games themselves are an afterthought, mere props in service of Harry's ego rather than veterans' welfare. 


This betrayal of what the Invictus Games and Tillman Award were meant to represent has pushed many veterans to a breaking point. They now want to cut all ties with Harry, recognizing he cares not for their struggles but only what they can provide his fame. Their treatment at the ESPN event made them feel used rather than honored. It's time to abandon the sinking ship before the taint of scandal drags down what should be a lifeline for those in need.


With no transparency or accountability, there is no guarantee veterans' wellbeing remains the priority. The countless easy opportunities Harry has squandered to show real support through both speech and funds show his priorities lie elsewhere. While the Games drew attention, that light now exposes a serious lack of integrity at their highest level which risks negating all the good they could achieve. 


For the sake of veterans who have already sacrificed so much, a clean break is necessary. The Invictus Games may live on, but only by removing Harry's name and influence altogether. His mother should decline further exploitation of her son's memory through association with campaigns now known to be hollow. And other organizations must establish the high standards of conduct and transparency that this one so clearly lacked.


With no trust in leadership, calls grow for leaked evidence that could further expose supposed wrongdoings behind closed doors. While unfortunate for all implicated, full accountability may be the only hope of salvaging an idea that gave renewed purpose to survivors of trauma's darkest days. Veterans deserve so much more than to be used as set dressing while their support is guided by selfish whims. It is time for them to find worthy champions through other means.

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