Harry and Meghan's 'PROM NIGHT' Lifestyle! Living It Up with Hollywood Stars in California


Ever since their royal exit, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have courted both admiration and criticism for their behavior and projects. They appear eager to live a glamorous Hollywood lifestyle far removed from the traditional duties and expectations of the royal family. Charlotte Griffiths' assessment of them treating life as "one big endless prom" sums up their star-studded approach quite well.

Some argue this is their right as private citizens pursuing various careers and interests. However, others see hypocrisy in how they market themselves. Accepting accolades for causes while pursuing fame and fortune does seem incongruous at times. Harry receiving the Pat Tillman award came across as rather tone-deaf, especially without comparable military service or philanthropy. 


Many question whether their flashy events and self-promotion are distasteful so soon after mourning the late Queen. The viral video mocking royal protocol struck the wrong chord worldwide and likely burned bridges. While we all grieve differently, being the center of constant drama and controversy paints an unflattering portrait after quitting duties to the Crown and people. 

Their Netflix deal and other ventures were touted as hugely lucrative, yet market research casts doubts on their star power and longterm entertainment value. Making premium dog food and jam is a curious pivot for figures depicted as aspiring for Hollywood royalty. The lack of A-list support for such entrepreneurial efforts speaks volumes. 


Perhaps the greatest irony is how fame and acclaim were supposedly not their goal, yet nearly every move seeks splashy recognition. Even relatively minor honors seem aggressively courted more for visa purposes than altruism. This detachment from stated intentions versus actions undermines credibility in the court of public opinion. 

Some argue they deserve privacy as non-working royals and should not be policed. However, voluntarily placing oneself in the public glare through selective media campaigns warrants scrutiny of messaging and lifestyle contradictions. With great access comes great responsibility in how you present yourself to the people.


While they likely envisioned champagne wishes and fairy tale dreams in California, the reception has proven cooler than hoped. Even Hollywood maintains standards beyond just money and lights, as nepotism alone does not open coveted social circles. Their family troubles and unlikeable factors repel much sympathy once relied upon.

In the end, only time will tell how their unfolding story plays out. But for the moment, theirs appears a cautionary tale of shallow ambitions prioritized over duty, family ties and dignified conduct. One can only hope in future they choose a wiser and humbler path befitting their station, for their legacy and the dignity of the institutions that shaped them. But for today, this has been my perspective - I welcome your thoughtful comments below.

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