Harry LOSE IT ALL As Netflix CANCEL Polo Documentary Over Meghan Insisting On Traveling With Harry



Things are becoming increasingly difficult with the polo documentary and other Archwell Productions projects at Netflix. The polo documentary was meant to move forward, but production logistics have become a mess. Harry was supposed to be the glue holding everything together by traveling to different countries to interview and spend time with polo stars for the documentary. However, Meghan does not want Harry traveling alone as per usual. Having the two of them travel makes the process ten times more complicated. They could just bring their kids along since they're still little, but Meghan, as usual, is overcomplicating things.



The polo documentary was originally slated for a November release, but at this rate it would take a miracle for them to make that deadline. They would need priority from the various production companies involved, but those companies are busy handling other projects. On top of that, Archwell Productions also has issues with their show for Netflix still being stalled. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings is furious because this deal is turning out to be one of the worst in Netflix's short history. 

As a last Hail Mary, Netflix is considering releasing a teaser for the polo documentary to gauge public interest using content from the pilot episode. I predict it will be comedy gold, in the sense that people will focus more on Meghan rather than the actual polo documentary or cooking show content. With how messy this production has been, very few people will be interested in subscribing to Netflix just for an Archwell Productions show. 


The entertainment industry is at a crossroads currently, and Archwell chose the absolute worst time to try playing the producer game. Only mega-producers like Tyler Perry have the clout and budgets tight enough to take on multiple production bets at once. And Archwell has far fewer industry allies now than even three years ago due to the rift with the Royal Family. 

Accepting the Pat Tillman Award for Service was one of the worst decisions Harry and Meghan could have made. It was apparently pushed by Serena Williams to help promote her own documentary project, but her documentary just comes across as a vanity project now. Harry probably agreed to accept the award because his friend Serena insisted, but it has majorly backfired on them PR-wise.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see fresh pictures released of Archie and Lilibet in the coming weeks as Meghan's birthday approaches and she'll want headlines to celebrate. Since Meghan's personal contacts have dried up over the years, the few celebrity connections they have left are mainly through Harry. If Harry wants to succeed independently in any way, he really needs to separate professionally from Meghan. 


The polo documentary already has a niche audience as is, but Meghan has to insert herself as the central focus - you can be sure she'll try to make it about her role as a "polo wife." Just look at how she dominated coverage of the Invictus Games. If there's one consistent thing about their career moves, it's impeccably awful timing. Every venture has been launched at the worst possible moment.

Why can't Meghan just let Harry do his polo documentary in peace while she focuses on her cooking show? She has no problem letting Harry stay out of her individual projects. But she inserts herself into all of his work and prevents him from doing anything solo. For their Netflix contract to have any chance of success, the two of them need to take on truly separate production roles rather than constantly interfering in each other's projects. Only then will Archwell stand a chance of meeting their ambitions in Hollywood.



As it stands currently, Meghan will continue dragging down Harry and Archwell Productions if she doesn't learn to let Harry have his own professional identity detached from her. Her insertion into everything has stalled multiple documentaries and shows. From the frequent staged paparazzi photos to her inability to let Harry work independently, Meghan seems consistently focused on using Harry to promote herself rather than their shared ventures. If the Netflix deal fails, it will be because Archwell Productions became all about Meghan rather than providing quality programming. Harry's career and their company would be much better served if she took a step back and let him shine on his own for a change.

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