HEAVY ANGER!🛑 Prince Harry left 'red with anger' over Meghan Markle's 'exaggerated' move


Meghan Markle has faced plenty of criticism since marrying into the British royal family. However, one moment from her and Prince Harry's Netflix documentary has come under even more scrutiny - Meghan's depiction of meeting Queen Elizabeth for the first time. 


In the documentary Harry & Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex recalled being told to curtsy by Prince Harry just before their car pulled up to meet the Queen. She laughed as she reenacted performing an exaggerated curtsy, saying in an over-the-top tone "Pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty." However, it seems this portrayal did not sit well with Prince Harry. 


Royal commentator Kinsey Schofield noted that Prince Harry's facial expression as Meghan reenacted the curtsy said it all. He clearly looked uncomfortable and even possibly angry at Meghan's dramatization of the event. Body language expert Jesus Enrique Roses conducted an in-depth analysis of Harry's reaction as well. He observed Harry swallowing and a lack of connection or empathy as Meghan spoke animatedly. But it was Harry's flushed face and jaw clenching as she did the curtsy that revealed his true emotions - contempt and even anger. 


Roses pointed out the patches of redness on Harry's cheeks, nose, and temples, indicating higher levels of emotion. In his interpretation, this showed covered anger rather than shame. Had Harry been ashamed, Roses said he would have smiled or laughed nervously, but he knew what was coming and clearly couldn't stand it based on his initial serious demeanor and subtle throat swallow. 


While Meghan's exaggerated retelling of meeting the Queen ruffled some feathers, she has shown immense adaptability and resilience throughout her career that has led to success, according to body language expert Darren Stanton. Meghan has had to adapt more than most, from joining the royal family to launching her own projects like podcasts and her lifestyle brand Archetypes. 


Stanton said Meghan's ability to adapt, prove doubters wrong, and think outside the box have been crucial. She has developed a high level of resilience through constantly having to block out criticism. This resilience has allowed her to push boundaries and explore different avenues even when facing obstacles. More than anything, Stanton noted Meghan's ongoing passion for her work shows her heart is in the right place.


Despite facing an onslaught of negative media coverage and public scrutiny at times, Meghan has demonstrated she is not one to back down or stay in her lane. From her exaggerated curtsy to the Queen to building a successful career post-royal life, she has shown a drive, resilience and willingness to adapt that have served her well on her journey so far. However, as seen by Prince Harry's reaction, some of her methods may continue to ruffle feathers, especially within the traditionally stoic British royal family. Only time will tell how her future projects like her Archetypes podcast franchise are received as she forges her own path on her terms.

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