Meghan Markle Cringe Glaring At Catherine And Making The Royal Foundation Forum About Herself


The other thing I keep thinking about is the theme that came up a lot at this event was mental health. Okay, well, we know what they said. They claimed that they were unable to seek treatment because, I whatever reason that they made up, the palace wouldn't let them, even though he said in his book "Spare" he had his therapist on speed dial. They pretended like that wasn't an option for Meghan. He never could explain why or why he couldn't get her help or just take her out if that was the case. Nope, no explanation. Nothing they say makes sense. I don't know why I'm trying, but I thought we could watch this.

I'm going to spare you a lot of her word salad because it makes me want to bang my head against the wall. We're just going to hit some lowlights here, just some things that I want to point out that were just so odd about this. This was one of the first times we saw the quote "Fab 4," if you will remember that was a thing back then. Here's the thing: it is widely recognized that Meghan dominated this event, and not in a good way. She focused so heavily on her own views, her experiences, and it seemed to overshadow or attempt to overshadow the contributions of everybody else, including hob balls. It's, I mean, it just took away from the event itself, and again, it became all about her.

This is one of the first times I remember hearing the word salad, thinking, "What? What is she actually saying?" The other thing worth mentioning is Harry. He seems so cranky through this thing. Uh, and again, I can spare you from having to listen to Doofus too much, but that was something that I noticed, and I started Googling, and other people seemed to note that he seemed less engaged or enthusiastic during the forum. Um, let me cut through the BS and say no, he seemed like a whiny, petulant, you know what, a spare prick that we've come to know of him. Right? He seemed very pouty. Uh, I feel like that's probably a glimpse behind the scenes as well.


So, as I was saying in my speech, there's a lot of foundations out there with an incredible amount of money and an incredible amount of ability to move things forward, but I think what we can bring as the Royal Foundation is that convening effort. And I think if you put some of the big foundations in the world together along with our convening power of the Royal Foundation, and if we focus on certain big issues, hopefully global, I think we could make a real, really big difference. So I'm, I'm really excited about the future in that sense.

And just, what are you most excited about when it comes to the future of your work with the foundation? There's, there's sort of lots that I think I'm hugely excited about with the foundation. From the foundation's perspective, I've mentioned before about working together, you know, looking for William as well, looking at some long-term prospects. You know, imagine if we were able to do sort of Heads Together campaign with another generation of members of the royal family. I think that's so exciting to think that with so many more of us working on the same cause or similar causes, we could make a real impact.

Um, lovely. That's it. That's what they're talking about, how the Royal Foundation can make this global impact, what initiatives they're working on, what they've done, where this was dreamed up, all that stuff. Meghan, you touched on it before. You have, it's well known you've championed the empowerment of women and young girls and promoting their self-worth. How do you hope to continue that work with the Royal Foundation?

I'd like to point out in the little bit we've heard of that bullying report, which I'm dying to get my hands on, Jason Knauf pointed out that she usually had someone, Meghan, in her sights that she wanted to go after. I believe she, I believe that it was alleged that it was usually female that she liked to go after. I also believe the allegation of tea throwing was directed at a female. I'd also like to point out how she has continued to harass and torment Catherine, Princess of Wales, including having her followers go after her. We know all the disgusting things they've continued to say, and Meghan doesn't speak out against it. So you talk to me about empowering women and how that's going, and let's talk about the African parks and how you and your idiot husband are still silent on all of that, hoping it'll just go away, not speaking up for women while you give speeches about speaking up for women.


Um, yes, I mean, I think that knowing that I've, I've just been here for three months, right? And in that amount of time, for, well, but with that said, for me, it's very important to, once you hit the ground running, even if you're doing it quietly behind the scenes, which is what I focus my energy on thus far, is meeting with the right people, meeting with the right organizations behind the scenes quietly. Hitting the ground running, doesn't that back up and support the claims that we've heard that she was not interested in being part of the royal family, meaning not even to have an advisor? It's alleged that she said when offered, uh, I believe they were, I believe that the Queen offered, uh, was it Sophie, I think Duchess of Edinburgh, uh, to show her the ropes, and she's like, "No, I have Harry." Can you imagine that's going to be your, your guide?

Learning as much as I can so that I can maximize the opportunity we have here to really make an impact. I think what's interesting is, I hear a lot of people saying, when speaking about girls' empowerment, finding and knowing their worth, or women's empowerment as well, you'll, this makes me sick. Again, African Parks, it's alleged that they not only contacted and let Harry know what was going on, they actually wrote to the women, wrote to Meghan to beg her to do something to help, and nothing has been done or said about the situation. Say, "Well, you're helping women find their voices," and I fundamentally disagree with that because women don't need to find a voice. They have a voice. They need to feel empowered to use it, and people need to be encouraged to listen.

Oh, I'm dripping in the hypocrisy. I'm drowning in the hypocrisy of it all, sitting next to the woman that, in my opinion, she has bullied for years and gone after and targeted and had her followers targeted, targeting all the things. But also, I'd like to point out that this quote, in my opinion, she ripped right off another woman. There's this woman, Sonia Sanchez. She's a poet and activist from, I believe it was the 1960s, who said something very similar. Women have a voice, they have power, uh, they are mothers, they are strong, they are not afraid, they shouldn't be afraid to speak out and speak up. So she was advocating as, um, for women's empowerment, social justice, that sort of thing. And then Meghan comes along, says these things, does the opposite, steals a quote from another woman. Here you go.

And I think right now, in the climate that we're seeing with so many campaigns, I mean with #MeToo and Time's Up, there is no better time than to really continue to shine a light on women feeling empowered and people really helping to support them, men included in that. I mean, it makes such a tremendous difference. So, um, yeah, just um, I guess we wait a couple months, and then we can hit the ground running.


But hit the ground running, once again, just saying these things that have no meaning. Please don't make that into a drinking game. You'd be on the floor. Just like every time she cries, on the floor. You'd be on the floor. Uh, dominating the conversation. I feel like she's making it more about her own personal views and, and her agenda. Um, she's, this lack of humility, lack of awareness, as per usual, making the focus on herself. I, I just can't. I really can't. I'm, I'm struggling to even get through this. So we're going to get to the fun parts.

Up until then, I'm pretty excited, but like you said, I mean, you've been here for, wedding first, get that done. Okay, think about what they just said. You may have missed it. He goes, "Wedding first." She put out her hand to stop him and said, "We can multitask." Until then, I, I'm pretty excited, but like you said, I mean, you've been here for three, wedding first, get that done. Having, showing you again, he says, "Wedding first." She said, "We can multitask." It's fine to mind. Here, the multiple books I've read about this, uh, I believe it was Tom Bower's especially. He talks about when they were getting married, about that it would have been about this time. Um, it's believed that Oprah reached out to her then to maybe tell a story, and she said, "Not yet." So it's just to me showing more of, it's all part of the plan. She's got it all planned out, what's going to happen and what, what they're going to do and how they're going to take off.

I have been fortunate enough to meet with some incredible women and organizations in general in the UK that are doing work here, but then also knowing that some of the work that I've done in the past has been in Commonwealth countries like Rwanda, India. So I did play that part back for you to see, but you didn't miss anything, meaning I didn't jump ahead. She just decided to keep talking. This is a, what were they calling it, a forum? Supposedly. Whatever it is, forum, Royal Foundation forum for the four of them, four of them, um, and she's now completely made it about herself. Like, "Oh, I thought we were talking, you know, mental health initiatives. Let me tell you what I did in Rwanda." Right? I mean, it's not a shocker. It's just interesting to see it even in early days. Couldn't even pretend like she gave a crap about any of the others, including hob balls.


So this reach, I think, can have, um, can have some really nice legs to it once we can start. But yes, exactly, to be continued. Okay, I'm, look forward to picking up on that conversation later. If I were skeptical, and I am skeptical, one could argue that that's her saying, "Hey, just wait, we're going to do some, you're going to want to talk to us." This is extra funny because that is so her and so everything we know of her, right? To plant these seeds like this. We've talked about that at length, uh, dropping hints on things. I feel like this is her dropping a hint. Just wait till you see what I do, because she thought she would be, well, to quote Harry, "a royal rock star," right? That she'd be great at everything. And then I think she thought they'd go to California, and they'd be great at everything. And then, of course, we've seen how spectacularly it is failing.

All right, we're jumping ahead 'cause I can't take Crayon Eater over here giving us a 10-minute speech. I can't. Um, he goes on to talk about mental health again. I point to directly contradicting what he said in the interview, in the book, that mental health was not available to Meghan. And why was it not? He can't explain. He just contradicts himself. Then she goes on to ask a question about, it doesn't matter, just like mental health and what their ongoing stuff is. They go into online mental health, which made me think, "Oh, is that where all of a sudden Harry and Meghan are getting their ideas for online policing?" I don't know, just a thought. They rip everything off. I don't think suppressing the First Amendment was what William and Catherine had in mind, but I think Harry and Meghan used things like that to their advantage however they can.

Um, I think as, as, as El Catherine, Katherine was the one who put the sort of join the dots together for all of us. She was the one who came up with the, the idea and, and the concept, as it were, because I, Harry and I had never, never thought about doing a campaign as such before. And when you tackle mental health, it was very difficult to know where to start. It's such a big issue, and it's so entrenched in society in a negative way, sadly, that we weren't quite sure how we'd do it and how long it would take.

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