Yet another story has emerged about Prince William's unruly behavior and clashes with senior royals. Author Robert Johnson's new biography on Princess Diana sheds some light on William's stubborn nature and the heavy arguments he had with Queen Elizabeth. 

The royal family was reportedly divided over an undisclosed issue that caused significant tensions. The late Queen, who was not one to air dirty laundry in public, reportedly did not hold back in privately voicing her view to William. In an extract from the biography being serialized in the Daily Mail, royal correspondent Johnson provides details of a heated disagreement between William and the Queen.
It seems the disagreement stemmed from concerns raised by King Charles regarding security issues related to succession. Earlier this year, Charles voiced worries to William about the wisdom of using a helicopter to fly his entire family around the country given safety risks. William is an experienced pilot, but had previously upset the Queen by ignoring her request not to pilot his family himself on the 150 mile trip from Kensington Palace to Anmer Hall, their Norfolk estate. 

The Queen, still haunted by the 1967 helicopter crash that killed the captain of the Queen's Flight, did not hold back in her criticism of William. The biography, set for release on August 1st, promises a full telling of how Catherine Middleton became the woman she is today through her self-deprivation, sense of humor, solid work ethic, and the warmth and accessibility she shares with William.
Yet again, William has demonstrated himself to be a complete hypocrite according to many observers. Beyond lacking charisma, it seems all he does is get into fights. If he's not arguing with his wife Catherine, he's brawling physically with Prince Harry. And when he's not bickering with Harry, he's rowing with his father King Charles or his grandmother the late Queen. 

While the Queen rarely aired grievances publicly, she reached her limit with William and firmly told him her views as the reigning monarch. Word of these heated clashes between William and the Queen have now spread widely in the news, and observers say an angry William is a scary sight. He's surely furious that private family conflicts have been laid bare.

The specifics remain undisclosed, but clashes apparently emerged from William stubbornly refusing safety advice from his father about flying the whole family by helicopter, against the concerns of Charles and the late Queen. Why does William insist on using a helicopter for the 100 mile trip instead of going by car like normal people? Some see a troubling pattern of William doing as he pleases without listening to the counsel of his elders.
Critics argue that William's aggressive and problematic behavior, combined with his constant fighting, show he will be a disastrous King. His stubborn willfulness and lack of respect for others will only tear down the already crumbling British monarchy further when he eventually assumes the throne. Some commentators have even speculated that frustrations from William's confrontational manner could explain assaults he may have committed against his own wife or brother in the past. 

Consistency in multiple reports has shown William to be stubborn, short-tempered, and embroiled in arguments with all family members. He is clearly the common instigator. Every few days seems to bring another report of bad behavior by the Prince of Wales. William spent little quality time with his wife yet found plenty of occasions to drink at pubs and attend sporting events without her. It makes one wonder about his character and priorities.
At this rate, the British people are in for a very pathetic monarch indeed when William takes over. The monarchy's reputation is already at a low point, but he threatens to destroy what remains of the institution through is unconstrained conduct as King. Let me know your thoughts on these latest revelations about William's poor behavior and clashes within the royal inner circle. The Windsors face stormy waters ahead as Britain yearns for leadership with wisdom, judgment and grace - qualities seemingly absent in their future sovereign.

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