Vomit all the money! What did Harry do at the Invictus besides funding Meghan's wardrobe

I really had to wait 24 plus hours post the ESP Awards before gathering and sharing my thoughts. Hello everyone, welcome to my channel. I don't know the specific time to release this video, but right now as I sit here to express my feelings, my feelings are very difficult to describe and uncomfortable. I absolutely cannot stand what Harry has done here in America. Harry is not a true and humble man; he is not Royal in character these days. Harry is a shallow, attention-grabbing individual who tosses humility and respect aside. 

What has he actually done here in the US? Well, ribbon cutting, accepting awards, and playing polo. True, some events are for charity. In Nigeria, he played with kids. Has anyone seen pictures of Harry in areas that are less fortunate here doing good - you know, humankindness? I thought Archwell's mission statement was to promote a better world. Is there a caveat that it must include an award and/or recognition on the front page of the newspaper?
Invictus, well we all know how that is turning out. Without even being privy to its financial information, it is a wonderful organization dedicated to injured veterans. But Harry has grossly misrepresented the founding of it and currently abuses its focus. He could sway the focus back if he stood up to his tacky wife. Harry and Megan demand high-end housing during the games and her ridiculous wardrobe for a multi-day sporting event where the focus needs to be on the disabled athletes. I am astonished that they just don't get it - their high-end living will cost them down the road. It's staring right at them after 4 years, jammed income. 

Invictus theoretically originated in the US. Harry further developed the concept and had the backing of Prince William, perhaps then Prince Charles as well. Harry conveniently forgets within minutes of learning of the petition to have ESPN Renee on Harry receiving the Tillman award, I signed it. His character falls far short of the intention behind the award. Shameless describes him well. I met Mrs. Tillman by chance 11 years ago - quite a wonderful down toe person. She of course had no idea that one day she would be front and center to the greatest disservice of her son's good and respected name. Her words spoke volumes, didn't they?

Harry may someday realize that all of these awards, etc. will not make his legacy that much greater. If anything, the upfront publicity leads to more negative criticism and history being written. It's not that he cannot be laudable - he's simply not allowing himself to be what he was before Mission. Even if he wasn't the smartest guy around from what I've heard and read on Quora and elsewhere, Harry had quite the popularity in the UK before 2016. Why he gave his true self to whatever the task, continuing to follow Megan's directives and plans will lead to further controversy and he will eventually be irrelevant to every group and cause here in the US. 
We really don't like showoffs here. Most of us can spot in sincerity when we see it - like the UK and other countries, we love our military men and women, our heroes, and not someone who wants to be an American hero. Harry tossed his distinctions by the wayside in the UK and now seems to strive to make up for it here. Certainly, he couldn't have been that naive to think that he could leave the UK under the circumstances he did and rain his military accolades and importance. One more blunder for lack of thinking it through - and we all know he misses it. Thankfully, the late Queen had the foresight upfront to deny him his former privileges.

As for the Tillman award, it's done and over. However, the entire crowd did not respect the recipient. Tillman's spouse hardly appeared pleased, his mother didn't even show up - what a statement that made! Venus Williams's reaction spoke volumes as well: front and center, bedecked and dressed in pure white again to be easily seen. They left 30 minutes before the close of the ceremony again drawing attention to themselves. Did Harry receive threats or were they making themselves appear so important? Too much drama with these so-called Royals. Even the senior working Royals respect the events they attend and don't rush out until the event concludes.

I was astonished that Serena said there was royalty at the awards. Only the titles make them Royal, but we don't care about titles here. Harry and Megan Sussex would have sufficed. In no way did Harry check all the boxes to be entitled to the award - far from it. And that's why the controversy arose. Did this controversy make him pause and reflect? Can he name what charities he actively supports that do good other than Invictus without even leaving his current hometown? Is Harry engaged in the community with teens, elderly, or homeless people in his county? 
He doesn't need to drive all the way to Los Angeles to engage in good deeds. Perhaps he has - I haven't seen nor read anything and a camera seems to always accompany them. Maybe his second book should lean towards a humanistic approach rather than bashing his family - been there done that, lad, and readers don't care any longer. Survival mode dictates that Harry needs to get his gumption back and do some good here even if the MS thinks it's below him. He had celebrity status before her in a way that made his life fulfilling, though not in the classic Hollywood way. Why did his service and duty in the sense of being privileged in America take a backseat to what Meghan saw as his future? 

Will Harry ever bring to mind the concepts of duty and service without awards attached? Both of these would likely make his life less complicated except for those unforeseeable events that we all experience in life. His legacy is fading and everyone sees that but him. His current purpose in life is to make money - lots of it. The former purse strings have been severed. He doesn't need to make every good deed about money. However, it's pretty clear that they are in need of it to maintain a lifestyle. It's a new lifestyle for Harry. Work is money; there may no longer be duty as a royal, but he's left unselfish service by the wayside as well. 

Compared to most of us, Harry is still privileged. He could easily volunteer at a teen or homeless center and still have family time and celebrity time. Yet silence on all of that. Thus, the huge controversy over accepting the Tillman award. Harry has now risked his platform in America to provide positive change in the world. Accepting the award shows his lack of humility and extremely selfish nature. There were others more qualified to receive it. In over four years, what have Archwell and Harry personally accomplished? I've already said a few times how disgusted I was that ESPN decided to give Harry the Pat Tillman award. But they say it's because of Harry's work. Harry's work really? I guess they just forgot about the others involved in actually creating it and gave it to him so it could be said he actually did something with creating Invictus. If that's so, why didn't ESPN let the UK have their own ceremony to honor someone who is involved with Invictus, not Pat Tillman? Harry can't hold a candle to the man Pat Tillman was and who they created the award for. Clearly Harry is an egotistical, selfish individual.
I am still absolutely gobsmacked that "just call me Harry" was selected for this award. I watched the ceremony and to me there were not many people around him clapping - most people looked very unhappy except Megan of course, clapping like a seal as she was unable to keep her claw hold on him to get him to drag her onto the stage. I think that there was a sound system producing clapping as boos were evident and needed to be drowned out. I signed the petition and am very annoyed to say the least that this award was not given to an Invictus veteran instead. What an insult! 

Well, that's all for today's video. Thank you very much for watching our video and I want to know what you think about these issues. Please express your opinion in the comments below. Hope you will always be cheerful and happy. Don't forget to support us by liking, sharing, and subscribing to the channel. Goodbye and see you again in the next videos.

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