
Good day folks, it's your favorite no-holds-barred critic Ben coming at you with an explosive reveal about one of the biggest celebrity PR scams you'll ever see. I've witnessed my fair share of stunts over the years, but this one really takes the cake - frosting and all. Okay guys, grab your popcorn because things are about to get juicy. 

Now I know you think this was just another standard royal visit, but hold onto your crowns folks, because this ain't your grandma's tea party. Meghan and Harry's trip to Colombia was a true masterclass in manipulation - a symphony of smoke and mirrors conducted by the queen of self-promotion herself, Meghan Markle. 


Let's rewind a bit. Fresh off their Netflix pity party docuseries, Meghan and Harry suddenly get an invitation to visit Colombia. Sounds innocent enough, right? But here's where it gets really good. Colombia's vice president Francia Márquez claims she invited Meghan because she was "deeply moved" by the Netflix show. Please, I haven't heard a line that rehearsed since my high school drama class! 

Márquez went on to say that Meghan is "a woman who deserves a visit" and that Colombia "shares her story." Which story is that, the one where she trades the monarchy for millions on Netflix? But the real kicker is what my insider source tells me - and believe me, this sauce is solid gold. According to this insider, Meghan somehow convinced the Colombian government that she still wields major influence and can change lives. 


But here's the thing folks - Meghan Markle is about as royal as my left shoe at this point. She ditched the crown faster than you can say "Netflix deal" but is still riding that royal coattails for all it's worth. Now don't get me wrong, charity is a noble cause. But this trip had an agenda, folks - it was pure PR from start to finish. Checklist: look caring, seem relatable, get press coverage. Check, check and double check.


What really grinds my gears is that the whole charade was just so Meghan could boost her image and cling desperately to relevance. She wants the world to think she's still influential and important. And you know what? Colombia bought it hook, line, and sinker, rolling out the red carpet like she was the Queen herself. Newsflash - she's not! She’s just a former actress who hit the royal jackpot and then decided it wasn’t good enough. 


But who are the real victims here? Not Meghan's ego or acting career, but the people of Colombia who were sold a bill of goods. They were promised a meaningful royal visit that would create real change and progress. Instead, they got a PR stunt masquerading as philanthropy. Think about the resources Colombia poured into this that took attention away from real issues. It's a travesty, plain and simple. 

And what about poor Harry? He's basically being reduced to a supporting character in Meghan's story now. Remember when he was the fun, relatable royal everyone rooted for? Now he's just...there, a spare prince and prop for Meghan's agenda. 


But this debacle is more than just Meghan’s ego or Colombia being naive - it’s a symptom of a much bigger problem. We’re living in an age when image and social media shine trump substance. When carefully manicured celebrity is prioritized over authenticity and genuine impact. Meghan isn’t the disease, she’s just a particularly glaring symptom of what happens when style takes priority over substance and we let ourselves be dazzled by fame alone.

So what’s the solution? Damned if I know. But it starts with calling out nonsense like this. Demanding more from our public figures. Remembering that real change doesn't come from docuseries or staged appearances. Meghan may believe she’s doing good, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. 


My message is simple - wake up folks! Stop pretending that celebrity equals progress. Stay skeptical and don't let a sad backstory on Netflix fool you. And most of all, in a world of Megans, be a Francia - actually make a positive impact through integrity and public service, not PR stunts. This is Ben signing off. Remember - in a world of smoke and mirrors, strive to be genuine.

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