Nacho Figueras ANGRILY KICKED OUT Prince Harry From Sentebale Polo Cup In Saudi


The Cabale IsBS Handa Polo Cup, a charity event that has long been associated with Prince Harry, has found itself embroiled in controversy according to recent reports. The renowned Argentine polo player Nacho Figaras, a close friend of the Duke of Sussex, has allegedly driven the decision to exclude Prince Harry from the upcoming edition of the event in Saudi Arabia. 

The Cabale IsBS Handa Polo Cup, which has been held in locations like Aspen, Colorado and Singapore, has traditionally been a platform for Prince Harry to raise funds for his Cabale charity. Cabale supports children and young people affected by poverty, inequality and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa. However, an online search for the 2024 edition of the event at the Saudi Polo Club yields no mention of Prince Harry, raising eyebrows about a potential rift between the two polo enthusiasts.
Figaras, a long-standing ambassador for Cabale who has played alongside Prince Harry in many charity matches, hinted at the upcoming Saudi Arabia polo event on Instagram. This announcement, coupled with Harry's apparent absence from promotional materials, has led many to believe the Duke has been effectively sidelined. 

The decision to host the event in Saudi Arabia has also drawn criticism from human rights advocates given the kingdom's poor human rights record. Moving the event to the Gulf nation has been seen by some as a controversial move that could overshadow the charitable nature and Cabale's important work.
"It's a concerning development," said Sarah Leah Witson of Democracy for the Arab World Now. "Prince Harry has been a vocal advocate for human rights, so his association with an event in Saudi Arabia could be seen as a betrayal of his principles given the country's history of human rights abuses."

The exclusion of Prince Harry has also fueled speculation about his relationship with Figaras. The two men have been close friends for years, with Figaras serving as a groomsman at Harry's wedding to Meghan Markle in 2018. However, the recent developments have led some to question if underlying tensions exist between them.  

"It's a surprise turn of events," said royal commentator Penny Junor. "Prince Harry and Nacho Figaras have always seemed very close, so the fact Figaras appears to be behind Harry's exclusion is quite puzzling."
The Cabale charity, which Prince Harry co-founded in 2006, has been a significant focus for the Duke of Sussex, who has been deeply committed to its mission. The charity's work supporting vulnerable children and communities in Southern Africa has been widely praised. 

The annual Cabale IsBS Handa Polo Cup has also been a crucial fundraising event. But the potential exclusion of Prince Harry from the 2024 edition in Saudi Arabia could significantly impact the charity's operations and its ability to continue its important work.

Supporters of Cabale have expressed concern the controversies surrounding the event could overshadow the vital work being done. "It's a real shame if this ends up distracting from what Cabale is doing to help people," said one longtime donor. "Prince Harry has been so passionate about this cause, so it would be a loss if he's not involved in this fundraising polo match."
Overall, the looming controversies threaten to tarnish what is typically a much-anticipated charitable affair closely associated with Prince Harry's philanthropic efforts. All eyes will be on whether these tensions can be resolved, or whether they portend more significant problems for Cabale and its relationship with the Duke of Sussex.

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