No birth certificate, no baptism! Meg pale as palace to drop Archie's 4-year sealed medical record


Ever since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle welcomed their son Archie into the world in May 2019, there has been an unusual amount of secrecy and speculation surrounding the details of his birth and early life. The couple has fiercely guarded Archie's privacy, prompting some to question whether there is more to the story than meets the eye. Let's take a closer look at some of the odd circumstances and conspiracy theories that have emerged.

One of the strangest things is that basic details like Archie's birth certificate and baptism records have been kept sealed by the palace. Typically, these types of documents would be publicly available. Both Harry and Meghan's births were publicly documented, so it's unclear why Archie's records need to be hidden. Some suspect it may be an attempt to cover up irregularities or inconsistencies in the official story. 


Adding to the mystery is that Meghan's pregnancy itself seemed conspicuously lacking in photographic evidence typically shared by royal mothers-to-be. Only a handful of official photos of her apparent baby bump were ever released. Many noticed that in later pictures, her stomach appeared unusually large for the reported stage of pregnancy. Suspicions grew that she may not have been pregnant at all. 


The circumstances surrounding Archie's christening were also peculiar. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who traditionally conducts royal baptisms, was apparently busy that day and did not participate. Pictures from the intimate ceremony look oddly staged and manipulated upon closer inspection. William and Kate were photographed elsewhere that day in different clothes than the ones worn in the baptism photos shared. This has led some to conclude the event was completely fabricated.


If Archie's existence is in question, what about the baby that was presented to the world in those curated photos? Many speculate he was a doll or someone else's baby used for props. Supporting this is that Meghan and Harry left for extended trips abroad without the infant on multiple occasions, something difficult to imagine with a young royal baby. Their behavior has been described as that of non-parents pretending to be parents. 

Considering all the strange inconsistencies, the extreme privacy surrounding Archie starts to seem less like protection and more like something to hide. His suspiciously absent presence in their travels and public appearances is odd for working members of the royal family who otherwise seem eager for positive press coverage through their son. This level of secrecy is unheard of, even for non-royal celebrities protecting their children from paparazzi.


While an entirely faked pregnancy and baby may sound like outlandish conspiracy thinking, the palpable inconsistencies and anomalies in the official story are difficult to ignore. People have raised reasonable doubts that warrant some level of transparency from the palace or the duke and duchess to quiet speculation. However, an aversion to disclosure only further fuels theories of deception. 

Supporters of Harry and Meghan counter that their behavior is simply a matter of setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing Archie's well-being as non-public figures. But as senior working royals, a basic level of accountability is expected in clearly documenting major life events - especially those as consequential as the birth of the seventh in line to the British throne. The degree of secrecy seen with Archie is simply unprecedented.


Even though the introduction of an heir to the throne through surrogacy would not be unheard of or illegal, the level of subterfuge speculated does not align with the image the couple purports as advocates of compassion and mental health. If true, it also undermines their stated reasons for independence from the royal institution and complaints of unequal treatment within it. Maintaining total privacy at the cost of fostering public trust is short-sighted. 


Rumors that the palace may one day agree to lift the seal on Archie's records following the coronation only adds intrigue to an already bewildering situation shrouded in misinformation. Unless and until credible transparency is provided, conspiracy theories are likely to continue multiplying in the void left by unanswered questions. While raising a child away from the spotlight is understandable, the extent of secrecy in this case does more harm than good to the monarchy if critical details were intentionally obscured or fabricated from the beginning. In the interest of accountability and public confidence, clarity is needed.

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