Shocking Audio Leaked As Jane Pauley Calls Meghan A 'Fake, Wanton, Prickcess!' Over Stupid Request



Legendary journalist Jane Ply has broken her silence and spilled the tea on the shocking backstage antics of Meghan Markle during her recent interview on CBS Sunday Morning. According to multiple sources close to the production, the Duchess of Sussex threw a full-blown diva tantrum when things did not go exactly her way, leaving the entire crew shaken in the process.  

While the interview was billed as a chance for Meghan to discuss her philanthropic work and passion for activism, things took a dramatic turn from the very beginning. Even before stepping foot on set, Meghan had a mile-long list of demands that included only the finest organic alkaline water and mango-scented candles. As one insider put it, "God forbid anyone make contact with her - it was ridiculous."


The real drama unfolded once cameras started rolling. Jane Ply's usual style is to keep interviews relaxed and conversational, but sources say Meghan repeatedly interrupted and insisted on retakes if she did not like her answers. She also demanded that certain questions be edited out completely. Tensions came to a head when Jane dared to broach the topic of Meghan's fractured relationship with the British royal family. 

According to eyewitness accounts, Meghan "just lost it" and launched into a full-blown screaming match, hurling insults and abuse at Jane. Crew members described a scene of utter chaos, with people fleeing in a panic to avoid Meghan's wrath. "I've never seen anything like it. She just kept going even after cameras stopped rolling," recalled one insider. 


In a desperate bid to salvage the botched interview, producers offered Meghan a substantial pay bump and final cut approval. But the Duchess was reportedly unwilling to compromise, threatening to walk out unless all of her demands were met in full. "It was unbelievable. We had a chance to highlight her philanthropic work and she single-handedly turned it into a complete disaster," lamented the insider.

While Meghan Markle's spokesperson vehemently denied the allegations, dismissing them as "malicious gossip," sources within the production have corroborated damning details of the tantrum. To industry veterans, this type of behavior calls into question Meghan's suitability as a public figure and credible advocate. "If this is how she acts behind the scenes, how can anyone trust her to be genuine?" pondered one CBS insider.


The fallout has been swift and severe. Several networks are now reconsidering future collaborations with Meghan, and sources say the incident has further exacerbated tensions with the British royal family. "The Queen is absolutely livid. She's worked tirelessly to uphold the monarchy's dignity, and to have one of her own behave in such a way is unforgivable," revealed a palace insider. 

As the dust settles on this explosive scandal, one thing is clear - Meghan Markle's quest for stardom has come at a heavy cost. Her carefully cultivated image as a humanitarian and champion of progressive causes has been badly tarnished. While time will tell if she can recover, many are left wondering whether the diva-like tantrums that mask her true personality behind closed doors will forever plague her public reputation. Going forward, the message is loud and clear - when it comes to Meghan Markle, all that glitters is not gold.

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