Queen Camilla sends a personal letter to author who criticized Meghan as 'unmaternal' 

Where do we even go from here? The news that Queen Camilla had sent a personal letter to author Emily Griffin, who previously called Meghan Markle "unmaternal", has stunned many. Just when it seemed like the drama involving the royal family couldn't get any lower, another revelation comes to light that leaves people shaking their heads. 

Emily Griffin, known for her bestselling novels including "Something Borrowed", found herself in hot water back in 2020 when she posted critical comments about Meghan on social media. In response to Meghan reading a story to her son Archie for his first birthday, Griffin labeled Meghan as "phony" and "unmaternal". Her comments sparked widespread backlash from Meghan and Harry supporters. Griffin was forced to issue an apology, claiming she had posted in an "unbalanced" way.
Now it emerges that Camilla sent Griffin a personal letter earlier this year, thanking her for a book and saying she looked forward to reading it. On the surface this may seem like a cordial exchange between two literary figures. However, given Griffin's past criticism of Meghan, many see Camilla's outreach as inappropriate and tone deaf. 

Some have questioned whether Camilla was truly unaware of Griffin's history of insulting her daughter-in-law. After all, Camilla was reported to have personally called Pierce Morgan to thank him after he stormed off the Good Morning Britain set for his comments about Meghan's mental health struggles. This suggests Camilla takes an interest in commentary about the Sussexes and their treatment in the media.
It seems unlikely that in her role as Queen Consort, Camilla would not have been briefed on Griffin's past smearing of Meghan as "unmaternal" before choosing to get in contact. The move threatens to undermine the royal family's gestures of support and inclusion towards Meghan since she and Harry stepped back from their roles. It also gives ammunition to those who believe Camilla remains less than welcoming of the biracial American joining the family.

The revelation also adds another wrinkle to the ongoing tensions between the Sussexes and other royal family members. While Harry and Meghan are carving out a new independent life in America, events like this letter suggest the rift with the UK side of the family runs deeper than previously thought. It calls into question whether genuine efforts are being made behind palace walls to reconcile after Megxit and heal past hurts.
Some observers argue Camilla, as Queen Consort, should avoid even the appearance of taking sides in family squabbles and criticize those within her family. By communicating with Griffin, whose remarks caused pain for Harry and Meghan, it opens Camilla up to claims of hypocrisy. She is meant to represent the entire royal family, not just some members.

This latest incident leads many to conclude that the relationship between the Sussexes and those in the UK remains damaged, with trust broken on both sides. While royal duties like the Platinum Jubilee brought Harry and Meghan together with the Windsors, tensions clearly still linger under the surface. Unless genuine steps are taken to build understanding, the familial rift threatens to overshadow future royal events. The Queen's death only makes healing wounds even more urgent for the monarchy's future.
For now, questions swirl around Camilla’s motives and whether she recognises the offense caused. Her letter risked undoing work to portray the monarchy as united after recent upheavals. As controversy refuses to subside around the House of Windsor, people can only wonder where this saga will lead next and if peace between all parties can finally be found.

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