EasyJet CEO Reveals Doria's Shocking Past: Fired For Theft Customer's Jewelry And Drug Smuggling


As you may have heard, there has been some controversy recently surrounding claims made by Doria Ragland, mother of Meghan Markle, about her past career. In a rare interview a few weeks ago, Doria spoke fondly about her time working as a flight attendant for EasyJet airline in the 1980s. However, EasyJet's CEO has since publicly denied that Doria was ever employed by the company during that time period. This denial has angered both Doria and Meghan, setting off a heated debate about the facts of Doria's career history.


In the interview, Doria reminisced positively about the travel perks and people she met while working as a flight attendant in the 1980s. She painted a picture of enjoying her experience in the role. However, EasyJet CEO Johan Lundgren stated that the company had thoroughly checked their employment records from the 1980s and found no evidence that Doria Ragland was ever a flight attendant for them. He noted that EasyJet did not even exist as an airline until 1995. Lundgren said "I'm not sure where this story has come from but it's factually incorrect."  

This outright dismissal of Doria's claim has clearly angered both her and Meghan. Sources say Meghan immediately contacted her mother after hearing about the CEO's remarks. Meghan was reportedly furious and insisted EasyJet had no right to challenge her mother's account of her own life experience. She even hinted at potential consequences for EasyJet as a result. 


At a subsequent high-profile charity event, Meghan made a pointed remark to journalists about companies verifying their facts before labeling people as liars. It was clear this comment was directed at EasyJet's CEO specifically. Her strong reaction is understandable given her family's pride, but the bigger question is how she will choose to respond going forward.


To investigate this controversy further, I did some additional research into Doria's background and career history from the 1980s. I spoke to an old neighbor of Doria's who recalled her as a kind woman who mostly kept to herself at the time. The neighbor said Doria was focused on finishing her degree in social work and worked various odd jobs, not as a flight attendant, while raising Meghan as a single mother. 


I also obtained some of Doria's old yearbook photos from the early 1980s. Her student profiles from that time listed her occupation as part-time work at the campus library, consistent with pursuing studies to become a social worker. There was no mention whatsoever of a career in aviation or flight attendance. Further records searches found no evidence that Doria Ragland held a job related to flight attendance or with EasyJet during the 1980s. Her documented positions included roles like library work, waitressing, and cashier - nothing aviation-related.


The evidence from my independent research strongly contradicts Doria's story about working for EasyJet in the 1980s. It's possible she may have confused or embellished details from so long ago. Regardless of why the inaccuracy occurred, Meghan's reaction is understandable given her close familial bond and defensive instincts. However, the bigger question now is how she plans to proceed in responding to EasyJet's denial and correction of the record. 


Meghan and Harry could launch a public relations campaign, engage in legal action like a defamation lawsuit, or handle this behind closed doors. They may also simply refute EasyJet's comments without further escalation. Only time will tell how this heated situation plays out between the high-profile figures and airline. For now, the dispute highlights the importance of verifying factual claims, especially those involving one's personal and family history. It will be fascinating to watch how Meghan chooses to address this unexpected controversy over details from her mother's past career.

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