HARRY & MEGHAN PANICS! Angry Colombian Senator DEMANDS REFUND After FAKE Charity Tour Scandal Leaks.


Greetings royal fans! As your resident royal gossipmonger, I'm back with yet another installment of the neverending Sussex saga. Harry and Meghan seem to find new ways to stir up drama wherever they go, and their recent tour of Colombia was no exception. So grab your tea and biscuits because we're diving deep into the latest controversial caper of our "fabulous" ex-royals. 

To set the scene, Harry and Meghan spent a whopping four whole days in Colombia on what was billed as an official royal tour. Now normally, four days wouldn't raise too many eyebrows. However, it has come to light that this brief tour cost Colombian taxpayers a staggering £67,000. That's right, nearly £70k for just 96 hours with our favorite fame-hungry "Duke" and "Duchess". Supporters argue that H&M paid for their own flights and accommodation, but let's get real - that covers a tiny fraction of the total bill. The bulk of the £67k covered eight days of advanced planning and preparations for their fleeting visit. Some efficiency! 


But it gets better. A Colombian senator by the name of Maria Fernanda Cabal took issue with the whole thing, rightly calling it superficial showmanship and a waste of public funds. I have to agree - dropping that kind of coin to host Harry and Meghan's ego trip is nothing short of absurd. Normal working royals foster important diplomatic relationships on such tours, but what function did H&M actually serve beyond basking in the glory of their famous titles? 


We're told the visit was meant to put Colombia in a positive global spotlight, but it had quite the opposite effect. Instead of praise, the country received negative press worldwide for indulging these fame-hungry ex-pats. On top of the baseline £67k figure, their security detail alone cost nearly £12,500 for a single engagement. Additional sums were spent on protecting the couple in Cali. All this for two people who loudly renounced royal duties yet still expect to be treated like working representatives of the Crown. Make it make sense!


The whole thing smacks of desperation to cling to royal relevance without any of the responsibility. Harry and Meghan left for a "private life" but can't resist flaunting royal connections at every turn. Their activities - discussing social media impact and internet safety - were rather strangely positioned as well. Since when have they been experts on such niche issues? 

No, this wasn't a royal tour - it was a blatant publicity stunt to polish their tarnished brands in the wake of damaging revelations from Finding Freedom and other tell-alls. Meghan in particular seems to be enjoying her leading lady status, directing Harry around like a costar in her never-ending drama. It's honestly quite sad to see the once-beloved People's Prince reduced to a supporting role in his wife's ego-driven spectacle.


Colombia may have been hoping for a royal boost, but instead got negative coverage worldwide. Meanwhile, H&M walk away unscathed as always while leaving damage in their wake. How brazen is it that they swan around like working royals despite openly disrespecting the institution? The senator rightfully demanding reimbursement may finally slap some accountability onto their façade of philanthropy. 


The world is onto their act - the royal dust has long since settled, and it's high time H&M accept that they no longer hold any real influence or relevance. All they seem to care about is basking in temporary adoration before jetting off to criticize the Crown some more. Some "advocates" they turned out to be!


In truth, this Colombia tour debacle may be exactly the wake-up call they need to see how thinly their brand of do-goodism wears these days. With any luck, they'll realize the gravy train has pulled into the station for good. The real royals like King Charles are getting on with dignified duties, so it's time Harry and Meghan either find purposeful work or fade quietly into civilian life for their constant games of pretend royal. What do you think - was this just par for the course, or should they refund Colombia's dough? Sound off with your thoughts on these delusional dynasts below!

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