
The intimate video released by Kensington Palace last week to give an update on Catherine's recovery from COVID-19 has caused quite a stir, with royal insiders sharply divided on the appropriateness of such a Hollywood-style social media push from senior members of the royal family. While some see it as a heartwarming display of support between Will and Kate, others are much more critical of the video and what they view as an overreliance on slick PR tactics that risk diminishing the royal family's mystique. 


One of the Queen's friends told Richard Eden that it's no coincidence the Middletons appeared in the video but not Charles and Camilla. "I can assure you that Charles and Camilla won't be filming themselves kissing on a beach, at least not until hell freezes over," they remarked wryly. Another insider was even more scathing, saying William and Catherine "are not teenage lovebirds" and that the video felt "manipulative," like something Meghan would do.

The effort and expense that went into producing the video has also been called into question by these sources. "Why not visit other women being treated for cancer? That's what Diana would have done," commented one. They make a fair point - while well-intentioned, one has to wonder if the resources could have been better deployed visiting patients or supporting cancer charities instead of a glossy self-promotional video. 


This harsh criticism from people close to the royal household is quite shocking and hints at a deeper rift opening up between the Cambridges and other palace factions. It certainly seems aimed more at Catherine than William, accusing her and the PR team of manipulating the couple's image. But did they really have to drag other royals like the King and Queen into it too? That move has seriously upset William, who is said to be livid his family got pulled into someone else's PR spat.


The video also seems to have reinvigorated the long-running debate about the Cambridges' reliance on social media and slick Hollywood-style presentation of their lives. Lee Thompson, their communications secretary appointed in 2012 specifically to boost their online profile, is reported to have been behind this video. But going down such a stylised route has understandably made many people feel uneasy, as one commenter observed - the royals are not meant to be "celebrities," they have a higher public purpose. 


Even fans of William and Kate like myself have to acknowledge the video was a step too far into celebrity territory. While sweet, it distracted from Catherine's health by sensationalising their relationship. They now seem "hungry for engagement" and constantly putting out promotional content, which risks undermining the royal mystique if taken too far. One has to wonder if Thompson is driving them to conduct themselves more like A-list stars than dignified public figures. If they don't pull back from this narrative of fairytale romance, disaster may indeed follow.

What's particularly odd is the location reportedly used for shooting - the same beach that attracted naturists. Now, nudist beaches are perfectly acceptable places of recreation, but most would agree they aren't exactly congruous with the image normally projected by the House of Windsor. This just adds to the doubt and scrutiny around every aspect of the video's release. 


Various theories are circulating as to who has fueled the vicious backlash through royal sources. It does seem deliberately targeted more at Catherine than William. With her now established role and popularity, she would definitely have detractors within the palace eager to undermine her position. It's a shame some cannot resist engaging in petty point-scoring even during serious health situations. Ultimately the debate shines an unflattering light on factional rivalries within the royal household that normally stay private.


In conclusion, while the caring display between Will and Kate was no doubt well-intentioned, this episode shows they desperately need to re-center on dignity and propriety over public displays and social media bombardment. The line between celebrity and monarchy is fine, and they risk losing vital support if it continues to be blurred. With tensions evidently running high on all sides, it will take wisdom to repair fractured relationships and restore unity of message. The well-being of the institution must come before any individual's public image.

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