Prince Harry's 40th Birthday Friends Demand 'No Meghan' at Exclusive Montecito Party!


As Prince Harry approaches his 40th birthday, one might imagine a lavish celebration with close friends and family. However, rumors indicate the reality will be quite different as long-simmering tensions persist within Harry's inner circle. Reports suggest that many of Harry's longtime, old-guard friends from his days as a royal bachelor harbor negative feelings towards his wife, Meghan Markle. 

Sources indicate Meghan has never been able to tolerate Harry's former “hunting, shooting, fishing brigade,” who represent a lifestyle she's tried to distance Harry from. Known as raucous friends fond of games and nights on the town, they clash with Meghan's wellness-focused image of the couple. A friend of Harry's circle claimed Meghan has openly expressed disdain for these friends, making it clear she has no interest in their company. 
This attitude has alienated many of Harry's former companions, making interactions fraught. As his milestone birthday approaches, Harry finds himself torn between the woman he loves and friends who were once closest confidantes. The reported lack of invitation for old friends to Harry's birthday only underscores this continuing division in his social circle.

Since marrying Meghan in 2018, Harry has embraced many changes including a plant-based diet, yoga practice and public speeches on issues like mental health. While framed as personal growth, the new lifestyle also distanced Harry from his old habits and companionship. One source called the transformation “swift and overwhelming.” 

But it came at a cost, with friends feeling subtly pushed aside at major events in favor of Meghan's preferences. Their Montecito mansion plays host to glitzy gatherings with celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres. However, Meghan has allegedly curated a guest list for Harry's birthday dominated by her Hollywood circle, excluding his few remaining friends from earlier years. 
Speculation over friction between Meghan and Harry's old friends has existed for years. Once inseparable, Harry now appears increasingly isolated as his past life remains at arm's length. While Meghan seems comfortable in their exclusive environment away from royal duties, Harry's dwindling friendships from before tell a different story.

Given Harry and Meghan's strained relations with the royal family following their exit from duties, public displays of support from UK relatives seem unlikely. Many speculate Harry's milestone will pass with little fanfare from the monarchy, further cementing their outsider status. 
As Harry navigates this chapter with few longtime friends in his inner circle, the lingering issue remains unresolved. For his birthday, an intimate affair with Meghan-approved celebrities may satisfy her, but the deeper sacrifices in Harry’s social network persist unaddressed. Without resolution, his former friends’ notable absence will continue serving as a reminder of changes made for this new life across the Atlantic. Whether Harry can ever reconcile the past and present remains uncertain amid the unresolved tensions on the approach to his 40th birthday.

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