Guys, it's like 40 degrees in Egypt right now. This heat is just insane. Kira and I were hoping to go sightseeing today but I don't think we can handle being outside for very long in this temperature. Anyway, we need to discuss this ridiculous new Daily Beast attack on Harry and Meghan. This might be the worst hit piece I've seen on them since the whole Megxit drama started. 

The article tears apart that new video Harry and Meghan released showing them volunteering with organizations in Los Angeles. The writer accuses them of "emotional exhibitionism" and claims the video was just a way to manipulate people's emotions and get sympathy. They say showing Meghan releasing a butterfly was too much and portrayed them as relying on "self-help" emotionally. Come on, they were just trying to share what charities they support with their fans. Since when is volunteering a bad thing?
But it gets worse. Sources close to William were also quoted in the article criticizing Harry and Meghan. They apparently told the Daily Beast that the video was Harry and Meghan saying "the haters, the press, and Harry and Meghan" can take a hike. As if William and Kate are perfect and above any criticism. The level of pettiness and hostility toward Harry and Meghan from William's circle is really disheartening. You'd think family would support each other.

Strangely, some UK papers are now turning on Kate as well after that video she did marking Mother's Day. Normally she can do no wrong in their eyes but articles in The Daily Mail and The Times are tearing her new video apart. They're calling it "ghastly emotional exhibitionism" and saying it diminishes the royal family. The Mail went so far as to say Queen Elizabeth would be ashamed of such a self-indulgent display. It's shocking because just a couple years ago Kate was their untouchable darling. 
I don't know what's changed but it's clear the British press no longer respects any boundaries when it comes to criticizing royals. If they're willing to turn on Kate so viciously, no one in that family is safe anymore. Even the tiniest misstep will get ripped to shreds. Some are warning this signals the end of positive press coverage overall for William and Harry. Things are definitely tense between the brothers too if their aides are throwing shade like that.

This level of hostility is completely unwarranted in my opinion. Harry and Meghan were just showing what causes they support privately in California. How is that controversial or worthy of attacks? As for Kate's video, she was marking an important holiday. What's wrong with showing gratitude and family moments? The royals are human beings - they're allowed to share personal things from time to time without facing a media firestorm. 
Some commentators think all this increased scrutiny of the royals could damage the monarchy in the long run. If the public turns against them as even ardent fans like myself are questioning some of their actions, it threatens a key part of their reputation. When the honeymoon period ends for beloved figures like William and Kate, it will truly test whether people still respect the institution itself.

Of course there are those who argue the monarchy should remain aloof and distant figures. But in the modern era, a bit of glimpses into their personal lives builds connection and goodwill with taxpayers. Getting dragged through the mud constantly over minor perceived missteps has to undermine that goodwill at some point. People naturally support individuals they feel they truly know and can relate to on some level.
In any case, this is all crazy to witness as someone following the royals closely overseas. The tone has changed so drastically even in just a few short years. I don't expect issues like this Mother's Day video would prompt such anger. The UK papers flipping on Kate and Meghan is a warning that the public can turn on any royal in an instant. Hopefully things calm down before irreparable damage is done to the future of the entire institution.

Let me know your thoughts on all this. It's hard to do long videos from abroad so hopefully I can go live later to discuss everything in real time. It would be great to get another perspective too. In the meantime, please subscribe if you haven't already. I publish consistent royal family content and try to analyze major events. This latest media storm certainly qualifies as a big deal. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone - stay cool, hydrated and safe with this crazy heat wave! Let's talk again soon.

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