Princess Charlotte SURPRISE SPOTTED With Dad William For Friends Birthday Party In London

We absolutely love it whenever the Royal Family do anything seemingly normal. It gives us a glimpse into their lives away from the pomp and ceremony of their royal duties. Take for example the time the Wales family was spotted tucking into burgers and fries at a local pub in Norfolk. Moments like that remind us that under it all, they're just like any other family. 

This past weekend was no exception, as it saw Prince William dropped his daughter Princess Charlotte off at a pizza restaurant in Fulham for a classmate's birthday party. It was a regular pizza party, like any other kids might have. While Charlotte spent time there just like the other children, her arrival was understandably a bit different given who her father is. 
Footage obtained by the Italian newspaper La Lampo shows the father and daughter duo entering the restaurant, flanked by several security guards. They are seen greeting staff as they arrive for Charlotte's friend's birthday celebrations. The confident six-year-old princess is seen walking ahead of her father as they went inside. 

In a short CCTV clip, Prince William can be spotted wearing a casual maroon jumper with jeans and carrying a gift wrapped in pink paper. He's seen grinning and shaking hands with several members of staff as he drops his only daughter off. Meanwhile, Charlotte is dressed casually in a dark coloured coat and tights, with her hair tied in a low ponytail. She looks as cute and normal as any other young girl attending a party.
The Italian newspaper, who shared the footage, reported that three SUVs stopped in front of the venue in Fulham. Several bodyguards entered first before Prince William and Princess Charlotte. It was said that the restaurant owner Tiziano Citi requested a selfie with Prince William, but he declined politely as royals typically do not take selfies for security and privacy reasons. 

The prince then left his daughter to enjoy the party and was seen arriving back at the venue a few hours later to collect her. Just regular dad things then, dropping your kid off and picking them up from a birthday party. Of course, the security presence and inability to take selfies sets it apart slightly from the average parent-child pizza party experience. 

This all wouldn't be newsworthy at all if we didn't expect the Royals to have their staff do everything for them. It's really nice that William and Kate make a point to spend these everyday family occasions with their children themselves rather than always relegating parental duties to the nannies. 
The venue may have also stirred up additional feelings of nostalgia for Prince William, as this particular restaurant was said to be a favourite haunt of Diana, Princess of Wales when she lived nearby. After her gymnastics sessions at a gym not far from the location, Lady Diana would stop by with her bodyguards and order a margherita pizza with salami. She'd then take the pizza home to eat with William and Harry.

Previously, Princess Catherine had revealed that her three children also love pizza, just like their father Prince William. She said they enjoy making Italian cuisine themselves at home. "I've done that with George and Charlotte making pizza dough. They love it because they can get their hands messy," Kate confessed. "I was just saying how I really enjoy making pizza dough with George and Charlotte because they do like getting their hands dirty." 
It sounds like party invites for birthdays and other occasions are fairly common for Charlotte and her brother Prince George too as part of their school rules. We're told the school dictates that if any child in the class is having a birthday bash, every child must be invited so that nobody feels left out. 

A source close to the Wales family also explained that the princess's school doesn't encourage pupils to have best friends either, again aiming to keep everyone on equal footing. "There are signs everywhere saying 'be kind', that's the ethos of the school. It really focuses on kindness. Pastoral care is amazing," the insider shared.

What all of this means is that thankfully, the royal children aren't being raised exclusively on a diet of fancy lobster and caviar as one might expect. William previously shared that his daughter Charlotte's personality is blossoming at age six. "If you ask her, she'll say she's 16. Charlotte said 'I'm six now, I'll do what I want.' It's like they grow up really fast," he laughed. 

Moments showing the Royals participating in normal family activities always manage to charm the people. It's reassuring to see future King William setting such a great example for his children by making time for the little things and prioritizing family over royal duty whenever possible.

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