UK media finally SHUT DOWN their own propaganda on Prince Harry and Meghan



It seems like every few months, the British tabloids cook up another story claiming Prince Harry wants to return to royal duties in the UK. Yet time and time again, these speculations are proven false. The latest round of rumor-spreading came just a few days ago when The Daily Mail purported that Harry was looking to come back into the royal family. As usual, the UK media pounced on this unfounded story and ran numerous articles and TV segments discussing it. 

However, it didn't take long for the truth to emerge. Within days, other major outlets like The Telegraph, The Guardian, and the BBC were publishing pieces debunking the initial false narrative. The Telegraph stated that Prince Harry has no interest in returning to royal duties, while The Guardian and BBC reported that Harry was not planning to move back to the UK. It's amusing to see how quickly the British press backs away from their own lies once the facts disprove the fabricated tales. 


Despite Harry clearly stating on multiple occasions that he does not want or need to rejoin the royal family, these opportunistic tabloids keep spinning the same yarn whenever they lack real news about the Sussexes. It's transparently desperate, as they've lost their inside access now that Harry and Meghan have left for a private life in California. So they concoct anything to generate clickbait, even if it directly contradicts what Harry himself has said. 

The shift was particularly amusing this time, as all the major outlets suddenly adopted the same debunking narrative in near-unison. One can only assume they had no credible sources and were just walking back their collective fiction. Harry certainly didn't correct them or supply any "insider information" to debunk the return story. The tabloids were simply forced to eat their own words.


In a recent segment on ITV, even longtime royal commentator Roya Nikkhah acknowledged the falseness of these periodic "Harry's returning" tales. Nikkhah stated that in her research for a Sunday Times piece, no one close to Harry gave the impression he wants to return to duties in the UK full-time. She pointed out that while he makes occasional trips for charity work, he seems very happy living in Montecito with his family. 


Of course, it's unlikely Nikkhah has any actual sources close to the Sussexes either. But in this case, she was simply recognizing what Harry himself has said openly - that he left royal life because it didn't suit him and he doesn't want to resume official duties. Her assessment aligns with Harry's own clear words on the subject during his bombshell interview with Oprah as well as other statements. 


The fact is, Harry was deeply unhappy with how he was treated in the UK for years, long before even meeting Meghan. In a past interview, he expressed his desire to get away from the toxic British tabloids. Meeting Meghan gave him the opportunity to make a clean break, find happiness, and build a new successful life on his own terms in California, away from the scrutiny and restrictions of the monarchy. 

It's no surprise at all that after everything he endured, Harry has zero interest in returning to that same stifling system that disregarded his mental health and well-being for so long. The tabloids' relentless negative coverage was a huge factor in his decision to leave in the first place. Why on earth would he want to subject himself or his young family to that again by rejoining the fold?


The Sussexes have said it plainly many times - they are happy in their new chapter and have no plans or need to go back. The only people still pushing the "return" narrative are the British tabloids, desperate for royal content now that Harry and Meghan have cut them off. With no real inside access or facts to report, they have resorted to repeatedly spinning the same evidence-free yarn, only to be forced to retract it each time. 


While the fantasies of Harry's return may generate clicks in the short-term, the tabloids' utter lack of legitimacy on Sussexes coverage has now been made abundantly clear. As long as Harry and Meghan retain control of their narrative and keep living life on their own terms, far removed from manipulation and toxicity, there is little the British press can do besides keep vainly recycling the same tired rumors and fictions, even in the face of consistent debunking. The Never-Ending Saga will continue as long as they continue grasping at straws.

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