Prince Harry Resists Tossing Police File Revealing Meghan Markle's Feinstein Senate Seat Threat.


Recently,  controversial  footage   surfaced,  raising questions about Meghan Markle's alleged threats  against  Senator  Diane  Feinstein and her coveted Senate seat. In a talk show interview, Kevin  told   American   political   commentator  Greg Swenson,  who claimed  he   had   a   credible   source   on  the matter. 

Swenson   said  Meghan  has  reportedly contacted  California   Gov.  Newsom  about  Senator Feinstein's seat,  and  if  she   becomes   vacant   by  January  3,  2025,  she   will   need  an appointment to  serve  the  remainder   of   her  term. The  person  chosen for this appointment would  have a significant advantage in  subsequent  elections  for  seats.  

 A  prominent figure in California politics,  Diane   Feinstein  has  served   in   the  United States  Senate  since 1992.  He  had already announced  his  decision not to seek re-election in 2024, prompting ambitious Democratic politicians to  contest   the   election.  Among  those   nominees,  Swenson  said  Meghan Markle was eyeing  her  seat, sparking  rumors and  controversy.  

 Sen.  Feinstein is  reportedly   struggling   with   her   health   issues  in her  90s,   but  some critics have expressed skepticism about  Meghan   Markle's   ambitions.  They question her suitability and  suspect  she  is  exploiting  her  vulnerable situation for  her  personal gain.  Still,  Meghan's alleged interest in  her  Senate seat has  sparked  speculation and debate.  Another   report  revealed that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had  hoped  to fly  Air   Force   One  back to the  US  with President Joe Biden's delegation  after the  Queen's funeral. However,  the  request was denied by the White  House   over   concerns  it could cause diplomatic tensions between the Bidens and the British royal family. 

 Some   felt   they   had   missed  a  photo opportunity,  but  insiders  said  the request was  immediately  dismissed as  ineligible  given the potential for controversy. Despite the  denials,  the Duke and Duchess of Sussex continue to  attract  attention and headlines  for  their actions and  efforts.  This is the  most   heartbreaking  part of Meghan  Markle  and  Prince  Harry's  broken  relationship  for the family. Of all the broken relationships that have  characterized   her   life  since  her   royal   breakup,  the  way   she   dumped  Thomas Markle  is   arguably   the   cruelest.   

   Thomas   Markle   celebrates   his   fifth   birthday  since he last  spoke  to  her  daughter, Meghan Markle, and today, July  18,  is  his  sixth.  He's 79  now, and  at  this  age,   people   want   their  affairs to be  perfect.  

But for poor Thomas Markle,  his   troubles  with the girl he  once   took  to  the Hollywood  studio  lighting  one  of  television's  most popular shows  are  more   serious   than   ever.  

There  have   been  many broken relationships that have  characterized  Meghan  Markle  and  Prince  Harry's  lives  since  her   royal   split,   but   perhaps  the  most   heartbreaking   is   Meghan's   quick   abandonment   of   her   father.   As   was  the  case   with   Prince   William   and   his   father,   King   Charles,   for   example,   there   was   no   careful  palace  management  or  kind  words to protect the elderly Thomas  Markle.  Markle  had to deal with  it  all  himself,  but   it's  no wonder  he   felt  a  little  bitter about the whole situation. 

But  among  his bitter feelings  is   also   deep   grief,  regret  for  what  might  have  happened.  Not only did he  not  meet his  stepson,  but  he   was  also  stripped  of his role as grandfather to the  unseen  Archie and Lily.  Today   marks   exactly   one  year since Thomas Markle  suffered   a   stroke   that   left   him  unable to  speak.  Things could have been  incredibly different, not only for Thomas  Markle,  but also for  Prince  Harry.  Now   that   he   is  far  from  his  home,  it  would have  been   really   helpful   if   he   could   rely   on  his  father-in-law's   kind   person.   Perhaps   it   gave  Harry the stability he  had   clearly   lacked  since  being   separated   from  his  family. And who better  to  introduce  Harry  to  the realities of life in  interracial   marriage   than   Mr.   Thomas   Markle?  

 Unfortunately,   however,  Thomas Markle  was   unable  to  contact  Harry.  Rather,  their relationship  was  one  of   suspicion.  It certainly  didn't   help  that Thomas Markle  expressed  his  uncompromising views  on  Meghan Markle and  Prince  Harry.  He  accused  Prince  Harry of being  cocky  and an idiot,  saying  that  Prince   Harry   was   flogged  by  Meghan   Markle   but   would  never  be   endeared   by  his son-in-law anyway. 

 Still,  this is no excuse for Harry's  evil   deeds.  To understand the cause of this situation, we need to look  back   to  the weeks leading up to  Prince  Harry and  Meghan   Markle's  royal wedding  in 2018. Thomas Markle  has   teamed   up   with   paparazzi   photographers  to  stage  a  series   of  photos of him  preparing  for the  wedding,   including  reading  a   book  on British history  and   getting   his  wedding  suit   measured.  It was  naive  and  stupid   indeed. 

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