Lady C Reveals Expose Regency Stripped After Frogxit While Charles Remove Him From Royal Burial Yard


Subject: The Royal Shakeup: Will Prince Harry Lose His Regency?

Preheader: The surprising turn of events in the British royal family's line of succession.


Did you know that Prince Harry's position in the line of succession could be in jeopardy? The Regency Act and the Duke of Sussex's current domicile status could change the royal game entirely. 

In this email:

- Uncover the recent discussions in the House of Lords about the Regency Act.

- Learn about Prince Harry's current position in the line of succession.

- Understand the implications of Harry's domicile status on his regency.

The Regency Act and the House of Lords

Stephen Benn, Viscount Stansgate, recently questioned the House of Lords about the current state of regency powers. "Should they be exercised by the Duke of York or the Duke of Sussex, one of whom has left public life, the other of which has left the country?" Benn questioned. 

The Domicile Dilemma

Prince Harry's current domicile status could potentially strip him of his regency. According to Lady C, "Harry cannot qualify as a regent if he's not domiciled in the UK." However, English law differentiates between domicile and residency. Even though Harry resides abroad, he can maintain his UK domicile. 

What does this mean for the line of succession?

1. Prince Harry is currently fifth in line, but second in line to be regent. 

2. If King Charles III becomes incapacitated, Prince William would be appointed regent. 

3. If both Charles and William were to die, the throne would go to Prince George. But as he's under 18, a regent would be needed - currently, that would be Prince Harry.

A Change in the Monarchy?

If Harry loses his UK domicile, he could officially be removed from the line of succession. As Lady Sears stated, "there's something in place to stop Harry being regent or next in line to the throne."

What does this mean for you?

While we may not be royals, this serves as a reminder of the complexities of succession planning, and the importance of understanding laws and regulations. 

Remember, "Becoming king is not automatic for anyone featuring in the line of succession in modern times," as Lady C reminds us. 

Happy royal watching!

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