Furious Judge Punishes Harry After Ghostwriter SPILLS Crucial Info on Deleted Phone Hacking Evidence



I came across an intriguing news story about a development in an ongoing investigation into allegations of illegal phone hacking by a private investigator named Harry. Police had seized Harry's computer hard drives as evidence, hoping to find proof of his wrongdoing, but when they went to examine the drives recently they discovered crucial files seemed to have gone missing. This was a major setback for the case. Everyone wanted to know how the evidence could have disappeared in police custody. 

Just then, a mysterious anonymous source contacted news outlets with a surprising claim. They said they had worked with Harry secretly editing his memoir about his career as a private investigator. During that work, they had made copies of some of the most incriminating files from Harry's hard drives as a "type of insurance policy." Now seeing key evidence had vanished, they felt compelled to come forward with what they had.


Reporters carefully verified the files' metadata and contents. They confirmed the files were authentic and unaltered. The files contained damning chat logs, invoices and notes directly linking Harry to illegal phone hacking and surveillance activities over the years. It was a bombshell that undeniably implicated Harry in the criminal activities he had long denied. 

I was intrigued not only by this major journalistic scoop, but also by the mysterious source who took such a risk to expose the truth. Using connections, I arranged an anonymous interview with them, referring to them only as "G" for privacy. When we met, G's face was obscured by a hoodie and glasses. 


G acknowledged what they did was technically illegal, but said they couldn't stand by and let a dangerous criminal escape justice due to a technicality. When G had worked with Harry editing his memoir, G quickly realized something wasn't right about Harry and his stories. Over time, G started piecing together the disturbing truth by seeing evidence of Harry's shady deals and blackmailing attempts. It was clear Harry had no respect for basic privacy or rights.

What really pushed G over the edge was finding records proving Harry had hacked the phone of a woman involved in a nasty divorce, and used sensitive information against her in custody hearings. The thought that such a "sicko" could walk free just because of an accident with evidence made G's blood boil. 


G knew that going to police alone with just suspicions wouldn't be enough against Harry's denials. So whenever alone with Harry's computer, G discreetly copied anything remotely incriminating, just in case a day came when it was needed. When G then saw news of the mysterious hard drive wipe, G knew that day had arrived.

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