Harry Crazy Rushes The Stage & Grabs Jackman's Mic At Deadpool & Wolverine Prem: "THIS IS MY STAGE!"


Hollywood interviews are usually highly controlled events where the stars discuss their latest project and take few unexpected turns. But one recent interview promoting the highly anticipated Deadpool/Wolverine crossover film took an amusing detour when an unexpected guest decided he wanted in on the fun - Britain's own Prince Harry. 

Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, and director Shawn Levy were seated on stage at an event, engaged in a routine discussion about the challenges of bringing the Marvel characters Deadpool and Wolverine together. Suddenly, movement off to the side caught their attention. Making his way towards the stage was none other than Prince Harry, with a mischievous grin on his face. It was clear the royal was intent on crashing this celebrity party.


Jackman's eyes widened in surprise at the approaching prince, holding up a hand in a feeble attempt to stop him. But Prince Harry was not to be deterred. With a nimble hop, he pulled himself up onto the stage, drawing gasps from the audience. Reynolds and Levy looked on, torn between amusement and bemusement at the unexpected situation unfolding before them. 


Ever the consummate professional, Jackman quickly took charge. "Harry, get off the stage," he commanded in a stern yet good-natured tone. But the prince was undeterred, declaring he just wanted to join in the fun. Ever the quick-witted jokester, Reynolds quipped "Harry, mate, I know you're used to storming the stage but this one's ours." The comment elicited laughter from the crowd.


Levy sensed the need to deflate the tension, gesturing for Harry to step back while keeping things PG-rated. But the royal wasn't ready to back down so easily. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he turned to Jackman and suggested they swap roles, hoping to try his hand at playing Wolverine. The audience roared with amusement at the absurd proposal.

Jackman remained steadfastly in character. "Sorry mate, but this Wolverine gig is all mine," he replied playfully but firmly. Undaunted, Prince Harry continued edging closer to the trio, pleading for a chance with feigned innocence. Ever quick on his feet, Reynolds jokingly suggested perhaps Prince Charming was more Harry's speed, to more laughter from onlookers. 


The hilarious banter continued as the trio tried corralling the mischievous prince while keeping their composure. It was Levy who eventually guided Harry politely but firmly back to his seat, bringing the unexpected interruption to an end. Turning to the applauding crowd, he apologized but promised a possible "Royal Edition" interview another time.


Though an unforeseen hiccup, Jackman, Reynolds and Levy weathered the surprise visit with ease, demonstrating their trademark humor and on-screen chemistry even in unscripted moments. The anecdote is sure to go down in celebrity interview folklore, a testament to these stars' improv skills and ability to roll with unpredictable punches. And who knows - maybe one day Prince Harry really will suit up as Wolverine. But for now, it seems his superhero future lies more in stunt work or scene-stealing from the audience. All in all, it made for a wildly entertaining kick to an otherwise routine press tour stop.

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