SHE SENT HER MEN R@P£ ME! Amanda Abbington Breaks Down Sobbing as She revealed r@p£ case by Meg men



Actress Amanda Abington has come forward with shocking allegations of the relentless abuse and threats she claims to have received from Meghan Markle since appearing on BBC's Strictly Come Dancing. However, representatives for the Duchess of Sussex strongly deny these accusations.  


In an emotional interview, the Sherlock and Mr. Selfridge star broke down in tears recounting her experience on the hit dance competition show's 20th season last year. Abington said she was initially targeted with typical nasty social media comments about her appearance and dancing. But the abuse quickly escalated to a terrifying degree.


"The death threats, rape threats, and pure vitriol started pouring in. I realized a lot was coming from accounts directly connected to Meghan Markle," explained a visibly distraught Abington, pausing several times to compose herself. She claimed threats came saying people would hurt her or her children at home.

Through her own investigation, Abington alleged many threatening messages originated from accounts traceable back to Markle or her close associates. "There were all these accounts using Meghan's emojis and hashtags sending me awful threats. It wasn't just one-off messages, but a constant onslaught day after day, week after week," she said. 


The abuse allegedly became so severe Abington was forced to involve police, who confirmed investigating potential criminal harassment from some accounts. However, she maintains the threats have continued relentlessly. "Meghan and her people seem to have an endless supply of fake accounts keeping this going. I'm terrified for my and family's safety - this has been a nightmare," lamented the actress.


When asked, representatives for Markle vehemently denied the allegations, calling them "categorically untrue" and "despicable attempts to smear the Duchess." They stated Markle "condemns such behavior in the strongest terms and would never condone it." However, Abington remains convinced of overwhelming evidence against Markle. 


She revealed the abuse has taken a severe toll on her mental health, requiring therapy just to function day-to-day due to anxiety and fear. "It's been utterly devastating. I've had to seek professional help to cope with the trauma," Abington said through tears.  


In a plea to Markle, she stressed, "Enough is enough, this has to stop. I'm a human being, not a punching bag for your ego. Call off your dogs and let me get on with my life." For now, opinions remain sharply divided on the truth of Abington's sensational allegations against the Duchess of Sussex. But one thing is clear - the actress claims to have endured immense suffering, all for daring to compete on a show Meghan Markle allegedly did not approve of. Only time will tell if justice is achieved and the harassment ends.

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