MEGHAN HITS KARMA! BLUSHING REASON why Sussex always has BAD LUCK no matter where they go



When Harry Fell in Love and the British Public's Changing Views on Meghan Markle

When Prince Harry announced his engagement to American actress Meghan Markle in late 2017, the British public seemed overwhelmingly supportive of the union. Meghan was widely perceived as beautiful, charming, and a breath of fresh air for the monarchy. However, just a few years later, public opinion of the Duchess of Sussex had soured considerably. What happened? 

To begin, Meghan's background as a successful actress was seen as an advantage—she was used to living in the public eye and understood the importance of putting on a good public face. As the potential wife of Prince Harry, she seemed thrilled at the opportunity to take on royal duties and be an ambassador for the Crown. During their engagement interviews, Harry gushed about finding his soulmate while Meghan expressed her excitement to support Harry in his work.


At first, Meghan appeared to be adjusting well to royal life. Photos from their early joint engagements showed her warmly greeting excited crowds. However, subtle behaviors soon began to irk some observers. Meghan was often seen clutching Harry's arm or having her hand on his back, appearing to assert herself as the dominant partner. A pattern emerged where she pushed ahead of Harry to be in front. 

Things started to change after Archie's birth. Contrary to royal tradition, the public were given few details about Meghan's pregnancy and delivery. When photos of the new royal baby were finally released, they only showed Archie from the waist down or with his face obscured. Information about Archie's christening was also strictly limited. This secrecy antagonized many who felt the royals were growing distant.



Meanwhile, reports surfaced that Meghan was difficult to work with and demanding of palace staff. Her lavish New York baby shower, costing hundreds of thousands, drew criticism. The final straw came when the couple took a extended vacation to Canada without spending Christmas with the Queen as is customary. In January 2020, they announced their decision to step back as senior royals and divide their time between the UK and North America.

Overnight, the British public's view of Meghan did a 180. She was now portrayed as a rebellious duchess more interested in fame and fortune than royal duties. Especially galling were Harry and Meghan's claims from their post-Megxit home in LA that the monarchy was racist and neglected their mental health needs. The royals were shocked by these accusations being aired publicly.


Further controversies have not helped rehabilitate Meghan's image in the UK. Rumors swirled of her mistreating palace staff. She was slammed for making complaints about her difficult life while visiting struggling communities in South Africa. Many saw her efforts to control access to Archie and prevent photos of him as diva-like behavior rather than reasonable privacy concerns.  

In retrospect, it seems Meghan struggled to adjust to all the constraints and decades-old traditions of the royal family. While initially portrayed as modernizing and independent, her assertiveness was increasingly seen as disrespectful. The swift decline in her popularity shows how unforgiving the British public can be of anyone they feel is not living up to their duties or bringing the royals into disrepute. Whether she can ever repair her relationship with taxpayers who fund the monarchy remains uncertain.


The saga is also a cautionary tale for Harry. His initial rapture with Meghan may have blinded him to deeper questions about how she would fit into the royal system. Some argue he abandoned duty to the Crown for his wife in a manner reminiscent of Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson. Time will tell if the couple find a balanced path that respects both their independence and obligations to the Queen and people of Britain.

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