Prince Harry’s ‘EMBARRASSING’ private email addresses revealed: 'Not what you expect from a Royal'



Kinsey, it's lovely to have you back in the UK. Last week you were safely home in California for what was undoubtedly the TV event of the year - the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Let's take a look at one difficult moment for the sitting president.

I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either! Kinsey, how is this playing in the states?

The reaction has been strongly negative towards Biden. The New York Times editorial board, which leans liberal, has called for the 81-year-old to drop out, saying his candidacy is "reckless." Recent polls also paint a dire picture - 73% felt Biden's performance was poor or terrible according to Ipsos. CNN found only 33% have confidence in Biden's ability to lead. And 62% of independent voters polled by the Daily Mail felt he should end his campaign. Biden insists he will not drop out, but it remains to be seen if his performance improves at the next debate in September.


How do you think Trump handled the debate? Did he let Biden unravel on his own?

Most analysts agree Trump took a strategic approach. Rather than getting personal, he let Biden's weak performance speak for itself. Even CNN's post-debate poll showed 67% thought Trump did a better job. His restraint seems to have paid off as it allowed the focus to remain on Biden's troubles. Trump didn't need to do much more than simply stand there to come out the winner on the night.  

Shifting gears now, let's discuss the latest royal news. Prince Harry seems to court controversy wherever he goes these days. What's the latest drama surrounding the Duke?


Well, Harry is currently embroiled in legal battles and suing many publications. However, the discovery process in court is revealing some embarrassing details, like the prince's old email addresses from his single days like "SpikeWhalesHotmail" and the questionable "BazaSales69Hotmail." It's a reminder that before suing, one should consider all angles. You just never know what may be exposed!

Additionally, British-American sports analyst Pat McAfee is quite outspoken in his criticism of Harry winning an esteemed award. McAfee takes issue with Harry being honored with the Pat Tillman Award, named for an NFL player who gave his life serving in Afghanistan. In colorful language, McAfee insists Harry has done nothing comparable and questions if the award committee even vetted him properly. It's yet another public relations misstep for the prince.


On a brighter note, we've gotten some heartwarming updates about Prince William's children. Princess Charlotte seems to be growing into a protective big sister. Royal expert Ingrid Seward recently gushed about Charlotte's close bond and admiration for her mother, Kate. And at a recent event, Charlotte sweetly stood in front of Kate, apparently guarding her mother. It's wonderful to hear the Wales children bringing joy. 

In fact, William has become arguably the most influential royal at the moment, eclipsing even his father King Charles III in popularity. With his devoted family and successful work on conservation and early education, William appears to eloquently represent the monarchy's future.


Well Kinsey, we're out of time for today but this has been a fascinating discussion. Thank you so much for your insights - we'll have to continue our royal and political chat again soon. For now, thank you for joining us and we appreciate you sharing your expertise. Please send our best to your families. 

That's all for today's news program. Join us again next week for more updates from across the pond. Until then, good afternoon!

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