Meghan Markle & Prince Harry HECKLED At ESPYS?! Shockingly CRINGE Footage EXPOSED! @sidleytwins4823


Well would you look at this, Megan and Harry just can't seem to stop getting themselves caught on camera being complete jackasses. I mean really, leaving the SAG Awards after just 30 minutes? Barely even saying hello to Venus Williams and completely ignoring poor little Olympia? And then forcing Harry to shake hands while Megan rushes him out the door? They really couldn't be bothered to stay for the whole show even after Harry won an award. Some gratitude! 

It's clear from the footage that Venus and Serena's family are none too pleased with Megan. Who could blame them really? I'd be pissed too if some self-absorbed social climber tried using my family for publicity and then ditched us as soon as she got what she wanted. And you just know Megan turned on the waterworks for Harry, pretending she wanted to leave for the poor widdle kids at home who were definitely being looked after by a nanny. They both know the kids weren't the real reason for their hasty exit. 


I have to agree with Andy - this was definitely a win for HarMeg's public image, at least on the surface. Most average viewers who aren't in the know about what really happened probably ate up that sappy tribute video package. But those of us with insider info see right through their lies and manipulations. It burns me up that they got such fawning coverage from the network after the way they treated the Invictus people and sneaked out early without even a thank you to the audience. Do they really think we're all that stupid?

The fact that someone in the crowd so clearly called out that Megan is no Princess of Wales is extremely telling. Even random audience members at a low-key event like the SAG Awards see through her arrogant titles and claims. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall for what really went down between Megan and Venus too because you KNOW something happened to cause that icy reception. Based on Megan's track record, my money is on her pulling some majorly rude and disrespectful stunt. 


I also can't get over how obviously performative Harry's whole speech about "leaving no one behind" was. Like Andy said, they literally ditched all the Invictus people and athletes within minutes of Harry wrapping up his ego-stroking. All that talk about veterans and compassion is such obvious BS coming from these two. It's clear the whole Invictus thing is just another money-making scheme and vanity project for them at this point.

Getting into even deeper just how shady the origins and financial dealings of Invictus are really cements that it was never about the veterans for Harry. Just a fake cause to inflate his own celebrity. I appreciate the twins' research that shows how it was really just a handout from William and Charles in the beginning. To see Harry strutting around half-naked now like some hero really pisses me off knowing the truth. 


All this footage from that night only solidifies what we've known all along - Megan and Harry are arrogant, entitled, attention-hungry users who don't give a single crap about anyone but themselves. They'll smile and grimace their way through any event, reading whatever script will get them praise and accolades. But drop the act for even a second, and their true nasty colors show through. The squad clearly isn't wanted or admired by the people they pretend care about. Even random audience members can see they're total jackasses. Maybe someday the rest of the world will wise up too!

So in summary, these two just keep providing more and more ammunition for why nobody actually wants them. They're hypocrites, liars, and users who will gladly throw anyone under the bus if it means grabbing more fame and riches for themselves. Turns out not even a sycophantic fluff piece from ABC could cover up their true selfish nature and PR stunts. Better luck next time trying to fool people, HarMeg! We see straight through your schemes.

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