MEGHAN RIP APART HARRY! Put all the blame on Royal, Sussex Is Ignorant Or Just Stupid


Harry claimed that he felt forced to step back from his royal duties and leave the UK, but was that really the case? The key word in Harry's statement is "forced". Was he truly forced against his will or did he make a choice? While Harry portrays himself as a victim in this situation, the facts tell a somewhat different story.

It has been widely reported that the late Queen Elizabeth discovered Harry and Meghan's secret plan to commercialize their royal status by selling merchandise under the British royal brand in the US. This would have undoubtedly cheapened the monarchy and been a major breach of protocol. Harry likely knew the Queen would disapprove and try to shut down their plan, so he kept it secret, hoping they could establish themselves in America before the Queen found out. 


However, the Queen did discover their scheme. She was understandably furious that Harry would secretly try to profit off the royal family's reputation without permission. This revealed to her that Harry was deceitful and untrustworthy. As a result, she stopped their commercial plans and revoked Harry's status as "His Royal Highness." So in that sense, yes Harry was forced to give up using his title and never undertake official royal duties again, since the Queen lost trust in him. But it was a consequence of his own actions - he cannot claim to be an innocent victim when he deliberately betrayed the Queen's trust.

Harry has never taken responsibility for his own role in this situation. As usual, he portrays himself as wronged and blames others rather than looking inward. The truth is that he made a choice to secretly plot ways to profit off the royal family behind their backs. When caught, there were natural consequences, but he was not literally forced out against his will. He tries to paint a narrative of himself as a helpless victim, when in reality this all stems from his own dubious behaviors and lack of accountability.


Some have argued that Harry felt emotionally deprived as a child and that fueled his later actions. While that may explain his behavior to a degree, it does not excuse it. Many people face trauma in their upbringings but choose to overcome it rather than use it as a crutch or excuse forever. A survivor of horrific childhood abuse wrote to me about their story, and it put Harry's claims of suffering into perspective.

This individual described being abandoned at birth by their parents who took their own lives on the person's first birthday. They were then placed in a children's home where they faced constant bullying due to a disability. They endured years of depression, anxiety, self-isolation and trust issues as a result. Even so, this person got help and now lives with a loving foster family - something they always wanted but never had before. 


Most remarkably, where Harry constantly plays the victim, this survivor said they don't use their traumatic upbringing as an "excuse" and just tries to get on with life as best they can. Their strength and determination in the face of unimaginable hardship is inspiring. It highlights how Harry's claims that he was emotionally deprived ring hollow compared to what true abuse survivors endure and overcome daily without complaint.

In the end, while Harry may have felt he had justification in his actions, the fact is that he deliberately chose to betray his family for monetary gain without consideration for the damage it could cause. As an adult, there are natural consequences to our choices, and giving up his title and duties was one such consequence. While the situation is undoubtedly complex with many factors at play, Harry's insistence that he was an innocent victim "forced out" is hard to justify based on the established facts. He needs to take real accountability for the role his own actions played, rather than constantly blaming others.


In closing, this saga highlights how even privileged lives can struggle with internal demons. However, it is always best to look inward at our own choices rather than outward at others. While past experiences may influence us, we each decide how much to let them continue affecting our present. With determination and hard work, even deep trauma can be overcome. I hope that both Harry and Meghan are able to find more constructive ways to process their experiences moving forward.

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