NO BRAIN, NO PAIN! Harry Picks Fake Son 5 years old as Sole Heir to Invictus Throne!


Harry plans to one day pass on the leadership of the Invictus Games to his son Archie, in order to keep the legacy of the event within the Sussex family. The Invictus Games were founded by Harry in 2014 as an international sporting event for wounded, injured and sick servicemembers and veterans. The upcoming 2025 Invictus Games in Vancouver and Whistler will include more family-friendly elements to encourage participation from competitors' families as well. 

While the closing ceremony is designed for adults only, Harry and Meghan intend to bring their children Archie and Lilibet to experience parts of the Games. This involvement of family underscores Harry's broader vision for the Invictus Games movement as a community that supports not just the recovery of individuals through sport, but also their loved ones. By gradually introducing Archie to this role over the coming years, Harry hopes that his son will feel a connection to leading the event in maintaining its goals of empowering recovery and rehabilitation through competitive sports.


Some have questioned whether such a long-term plan is realistic given Archie is still quite young at only five years old. Ultimately how involved he feels in taking over the Games by the time he reaches maturity will depend on his own interests and priorities as an adult. Others argue that running such a high-profile international event should remain the responsibility of those who founded and developed it, rather than being passed down through one family. There are also debates around ensuring the needs and perspectives of injured veterans remain centered in decision-making. 

While these are thoughtful considerations, Harry undoubtedly wants what is best for both the Games and his son. At Archie's age, Harry's greatest hopes are that his son leads a fulfilled life serving causes greater than himself, as Harry strives to do through his patronage of the Invictus Games. The late Princess Diana likely had similar aspirations for her son's purpose and character. If Archie does choose to guide the event's leadership later on, it would be a testament to his father's influence in instilling qualities of compassion and service from an early age.


Of course, any long-term succession planning depends on many unpredictable factors over the next decade and beyond. The support of both the UK Ministry of Defence and the royal family will also be crucial to the Games' continued success. Some argue the monarchy should retain full control rather than it being centered around one family. While Harry initiated the idea, the event has grown far beyond a single individual thanks to involvement from many stakeholders.

Regardless of what the future may hold, Harry's vision in founding the Games was to create an opportunity for healing, empowerment and community among those who serve their countries. For now, his hopes of gradually introducing Archie to that caring ethos as part of his upbringing represent Harry's commitment to the timeless values the Invictus Games movement represents. So long as those priorities remain at the forefront, debate can persist constructively around structures of leadership and governance into the next generation.


In closing, perspectives on any long-term succession plan differ widely. But if Harry's involvement so far is any indication, his leading motivation will always be supporting veterans' recovery and wellbeing through the power of sport—whether his son chooses to eventually guide that mission or not. Continued respectful discussion from all sides can help ensure the Games preserve their core purpose and impact for many years to come.

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