Watch Meg Go INSANE After Failing To UpStage Kate Middleton & Charlotte At Wimbledon Tennis Final


Megan had been looking forward to the Wimbledon tennis finals for months. As patron of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, she knew this would be her biggest opportunity yet to upstage her cousin-in-law Kate Middleton on the global stage. Megan had planned her every move, from her designer outfit down to her practice waves and smiles in the mirror. This was to be her moment.

But as she took her seat in the royal box, she realized things were not going as planned. When Kate entered with Princess Charlotte and sister Pippa, the applause was deafening. The crowd was on their feet, beaming and cheering with delight at their beloved Princess of Wales. Kate gracefully acknowledged the crowds with her signature shy smile before gently guiding Charlotte to their seats. 


Megan seethed with envy as she watched on. This was supposed to be her moment in the spotlight. How dare they prefer Kate! She had put so much effort into her appearance, hoping to draw as much attention as possible. But all eyes remained on Kate, who effortlessly commanded admiration without even trying. It just wasn't fair.

The match began but Megan found she couldn't focus on the tennis. All she could think about was how to upstage Kate and steal back the crowds' affections. As the first set drew to a close, Megan saw her opportunity. When polite applause broke out, she launched dramatically from her seat and began an exaggerated waving display, ensuring she was seen by all the cameras. 


But to her dismay, few in the crowd even seemed to notice her theatrics. Their eyes remained fixed adoringly on Kate, who subtly acknowledged the applause with her usual class and grace. Furious, Megan slumped back down in a huff, vowing to find another way to make the day all about her.

Throughout the enthralling five set final match between Novak Djokovic and Nick Kyrgios, Megan's jealousy and frustration grew. Every time Kate so much as smiled or murmured a comment to Charlotte, the cameras lingered on her perfect moment with the crowds. Megan's seething glare was not even acknowledged.

When Djokovic ultimately claimed victory, Megan could bear it no more. As the crowds leapt to their feet, she shoved past Kate's family and launched herself onto the court, shouldering the champion out of the way to grab the microphone. "I just had to say a few words," she proclaimed loudly, flashing a toothy grin. 


But she was met with hostile stares from the crowds and players alike. Even Djokovic looked confused and irritated by the disruption. The cameras panned back to Kate, who sat with puzzled concern, ever the poised professional. Flustered, Megan cried "Well done to the winner!", before scurrying off court to more jeers and muttering. 

She fled the stadium in a rage, furiously calling her PR teams. "This was a failure!," she screeched. "No one cares about me anymore, it's all about Kate. We need to do something drastic to change the narrative." Her assistants knew by now not to argue, awaiting her next rash decree with dread. 


Megan's jealousy and need for attention had reached a boil. She was sick of living in Kate's shadow, of always being the also-ran in the public's eyes. Perhaps it was time to take more dramatic action, to lash out and wound her cousin-in-law in a way she could not recover from. Yes, she realised with a manic glint in her eyes, it was time to truly go to war.

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