Prince Harry’s Tabloid Doc BOMBSHELLS: Meghan Markle, Royal Family Feud & More

I don't think there's anybody else in the world that is better suited to be able to see this through than myself. As Prince Harry said in the documentary, he feels uniquely positioned to pursue justice on behalf of not just himself and his family, but everybody affected by illegal press intrusion. The trauma of losing his mother at a young age to tabloid harassment clearly still weighs heavily on him. While some may criticize him for continuing to engage the press through legal battles, he views it as crucial to fully expose the depths of criminal activity and cover ups that have gone on for decades.  

Getting to the whole truth is important for creating meaningful change and protecting people's basic right to privacy. Harry remains committed to seeing the process through to wherever it may lead, even if it prolongs negative attention or further damages relations with some members of his family. He is not alone in believing his late grandmother Queen Elizabeth would support his efforts to establish greater accountability and safeguards against such egregious press behavior reoccurring in the future. Despite health concerns for other loved ones, Harry maintains the legal fights are separate from concerns for their wellbeing.
The rift with his brother William is undoubtedly complex with many underlying factors, but Harry pins part of the blame on their different responses to phone hacking allegations. While William reportedly settled with one news group for an undisclosed large sum, Harry insists on fully litigating cases to their end. He sees this as the right approach from a "public role" standpoint and considers it a service to the British people to get all the facts on the table. However, he acknowledges anything he says publicly about his family relationships inevitably results in more tabloid attacks on them. 

Some of Harry's own words were apparently destroyed, and he's been asked to search for deleted online messages. But he argues convincing evidence from over a decade of hacking abuses must come to light so police and the public can properly judge what transpired. Criminal investigations in the past uncovered millions paid in damages and some earlier convictions, yet in Harry's view, the total truth is still obscured and the British people deserve no less than full transparency. Memories of his mother's paranoia being dismissed while she was actually right to be worried of hacking continues to spur his commitment.
The vulnerabilities hackers and private investigators exploited still trouble him deeply, like headlines revealing private flight or credit card details of his then girlfriend. Feelings of paranoia and fear understandably lingered as inside knowledge about his life appeared in publications before he even knew. The judge's ruling that dozens of intrusive articles resulted from unlawful privacy invasions brought validation but also dismay at how high levels within media and law were complicit in the abuses for financial gain over respecting basic rights. If able to take cases to a full trial, Harry believes over a decade's worth of non-public evidence could surface regarding the true extensive criminal methods used.  
Money damages and past convictions have not satisfied Harry that the total truth has come out or future reforms been properly implemented. He sees himself as representing all victims who have experienced hacking's harms but never received complete resolution or reckoning, including his own mother. While some may see the pursuit as fraying family bonds or protracting negative attention unnecessarily, Harry feels steeled in his purpose. Revealing the full picture is imperative so trust can be rebuilt between the public and institutions, and privacy safeguards put in place at last. The depth of unpunished wrongs still coming to light, over his and others' objections, shows in his view why perseverance is so vital. Though the path remains difficult, Harry's determination seems unwavering to honor his duty through legal victory however long it takes.

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