This book is revealing some crazy royal secrets that have me shook. I know some of you said this was old news, but it's new to me and being reported on recently in major publications. That’s why I’m diving into discussing it today. 

According to the new biography, there was a super intense heat row between Prince William and Meghan Markle shortly after her wedding to Prince Harry. Apparently during talks to clear the air after their honeymoon, Kate Middleton claimed Meghan had forgotten a wedding planning detail due to “baby brain” from her pregnancy hormones. Meghan took offense to this and told Kate they weren't close enough for her to comment on her hormones. 

Things escalated and William is said to have rudely accused Meghan, to which she stood up to him telling him to “take your finger out of my face.” Wow, things must have really soured between them if it got to that point of confrontation. We know William likes to point his finger and cause problems when upset. 
This level of entitlement from them is insane. Why was Kate even bringing up issues on someone else’s wedding day? Celebrate their moment and be happy for them. No need to cause drama. I wouldn’t be surprised if William has been physical with Kate in the past considering she disappeared for 6 months at one point. Where else could she have gone?

The fact that William, as a grown man, put his finger in another woman’s face, let alone his brother’s wife, is outrageous. Unless Harry stepped in, who knows how far he would have taken it. It seems like an authoritative power trip given we’ve heard accounts of him being aggressive with others in the family too over the years. 

Not to mention the latest news about Thomas Markle’s birthday fundraiser raising over £40,000! This man has been a terrible father to Meghan and suddenly gets £50k in donations? People are being conned by taking him at his word despite his history. It’s shameful to see people buy into his nonsense. 
Each day it seems like Williams rage and entitlement issues are further exposed. This latest reveal in the new biography is just the tip of the iceberg I’m sure. I didn’t expect to be discussing these kinds of royal dramas! Subscribe and comment your thoughts on this craziness. I’m sure more shocking secrets will continue spilling out.

In other news, the Palace recently released new royal rules focusing on staying curious and helping shape a better world. Talk about PR spin! As if they’re not the ones desperately in need of defining a new purpose and expression. Their outdated ways and William’s behavior are destroying the British monarchy at rapid speed if you ask me. 

The public is becoming increasingly critical of them, and rightfully so. How can people respect a future king who acts so arrogant and aggressive? These revelations show a nasty side that keeps chipping away at their reputation in the court of popular opinion. I have no doubt William will speed up the downfall if he takes the throne with an attitude problem. 
Let’s not forget his insensitive comments over the years too like joking about African leaders. His blindness to his own rage and ego issues, on top of a receding hairline, spell disaster. Common sense is truly not common it seems, but somehow Thomas Markle rakes in £50k! You'd have to be a hoodwink to believe that load of nonsense. 

The royals need a serious attitude adjustment or risk becoming outdated figureheads. With more alleged stories from this new biography hitting headlines over the next days and weeks, it will be interesting to see how the public reacts. In the age of social media where little gets buried, keeping up the facades is getting harder by the day it seems. More popcorn worthy royal madness coming soon!
In conclusion, this book is revealing some intense alleged family feuds within the royal household. William in particular seems to have a troubling temper and sense of entitlement that will only cause issues as king if not addressed. Meanwhile the Palace is dealing damage control as their reputation takes hits. Let me know your thoughts on this crazy royal nonsense!

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