
Last time I checked, Harry and Meghan did need to ask the late Queen's permission to name their daughter Lilibet, but thank you very much on this one. Nobody should be rushing to defend Harry and Meghan Markle. Hello, and a very warm welcome to Kate Middleton and the Queen.

You know, sometimes I think to myself, I don't believe Harry and Meghan have any supporters left. I mean, who is rushing to their defense? And then I remember they've got at least one ally they can always count on: political activist and lawyer Dr. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu. She has taken to Twitter to defend her favorite Duke and Duchess of hypocrisy, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, for disrespecting the late Queen Elizabeth II by choosing to name their daughter Lilibet. The Tweet reads:


God give me strength, people have lost their god-forsaken minds. Number one, Harry and Meghan did not need anyone's permission, least of all Queen Elizabeth, to name their child Lilibet. The fact that they got her blessing was out of respect, not necessity. Wrong. Okay, number two, the name Lilibet predates Queen Elizabeth, for goodness sake. She didn't own it or create it. Number three, what grandmother in her right mind would be angry at a great-grandchild being named in honor of her? I have very strong views about Queen Elizabeth as Monarch and her legacy, but even I'm flabbergasted at these furious claims that do nothing but blight her character and judgment. If these unnamed sources and aides thought this would damage Harry and Meghan, they’re wrong. The Daily Mail has successfully dredged up a dead Queen and given her name a beating in order to profit off defaming Harry and Meghan again. Shameful."

Oh, she thinks that is shameful? No, I think the fact that she's speaking on this matter at all is pretty shameful. So, let's dissect her statement just a little bit, shall we?

So, number one, Meghan and Harry certainly did need the Queen's permission to name their daughter after her. I mean, come on, this is not the Jones family down the street we're talking about here. We are talking about the British royal family. Names are incredibly important to them, and the case of Lilibet is also a very special case. I would argue because after Prince Philip passed away, which by the way was after Lilibet was born, the late Queen requested that nobody ever use that name again. Even if Harry and Meghan somehow assumed that she meant just in reference to herself, they still should have known you've got to ask first. At least one of those two knuckleheads had to have known how hurtful that was going to be to the Queen, and they did it anyway because they didn't care.


And as for number two, that the name Lilibet predates Queen Elizabeth, maybe it does. Honestly, folks, I didn't even have the energy to look it up. I've never heard the name Lilibet before, but we know that in this family, the name Lilibet does not predate Queen Elizabeth. Lilibet is the name that she gave to herself when she was just a little girl because she couldn't pronounce her own name. This was a pet name, a name that was only used by people very close to her. So, claiming that they just thought the name Lilibet was cute and it's some common name they just picked out of a baby names book is ridiculous.


And then Dr. Shola's third point, that the Queen should have been honored that Harry and Meghan chose this name for their daughter, doesn't make a bit of sense. Because again, it's not like they chose the name Elizabeth for her. They chose a private family pet name. It's a whole different kettle of fish. And if this Dr. Shola is as well-educated as she claims to be, this is something I'm sure she realizes. She's being willfully obtuse here. And how dare she claim that this story is somehow damaging the memory of the late Queen? Absolutely not. It's damaging Harry and Meghan's reputations, which is what it should do. Nobody is thinking any less of the late Queen for being upset that Harry and Meghan used this name without her permission. Most people are very understanding and most people are just heartbroken at the idea that she was heartbroken in the final months of her life.

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