Furious Veterans DEMANDS Harry's REMOVAL From IG After He Humiliates 2024 Paris Paralympic Heroes.


Greetings fellow royal watchers! As always, I'm here to shed light on the untold scandals and controversies happening behind palace walls. In today's episode, I have to call out Prince Harry for his blatant hypocrisy regarding disabled athletes. For years now, Harry has positioned himself as the champion and defender of wounded veterans through his work with the Invictus Games. But recent events have revealed the disturbing truth - that his support is far more selective than he leads us to believe. 


It has come to light that Harry plans to skip the upcoming 2024 Paris Paralympic Games, which should be a major event championing athletes with disabilities from all backgrounds. His excuse? That the Paralympics include non-veteran athletes. I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard this! The man who has built his entire post-royal brand on supporting disabled vets is now refusing to back Paralympic athletes simply because they weren't injured in the military. It seems his compassion has very narrow criteria - he will only support disabilities that come with a convenient military backstory to boost his image. 


Let's break this down. Harry has long used wounded veterans as props to make himself look caring and compassionate. But now we see the ugly truth - he only cares about disabilities that can be exploited for good PR. He's essentially saying that some disabilities are worthier of recognition than others. As if overcoming immense challenges to compete at an elite level isn't remarkable unless you were injured the "right" way. It is beyond insulting to Paralympic athletes who have dedicated their lives to success despite incredible obstacles, only to be deemed unworthy of Harry's backing. 


Worse still, while Harry goes missing in action, William and Kate have stepped up to show support for ALL Paralympic athletes competing at Paris 2024. No conditions or caveats - just good old fashioned encouragement. What a difference between those who genuinely care about others versus those just using disability for personal gain. Harry's behavior sends a cruel message that some adversities are worth more sympathy depending on how they occurred. It's a disgusting display of hypocrisy from a man who once pretended to champion the underdog.


This brings me to my biggest issue - Harry has been cynically exploiting wounded veterans to boost his image for years. He milked the Invictus Games for good press while basking in the reflected glory of athletes' achievements. But now that there's an opportunity to support a wider group of Paralympians, suddenly he's nowhere to be found. It's evident disabled veterans were never more than props to make Harry look good; he doesn't actually care about championing the human spirit against all odds.Through his selective support, Harry has exposed that his entire self-branded identity of compassion was nothing more than an elaborate PR strategy. 


So where does this leave us? I believe Harry has shown his true colors and proven he is not the champion he pretended to be. While he continues down his path of alienating every group who supported him, the real heroes remain the Paralympic athletes - veterans or not. They are people who have overcome unimaginable challenges through grit, determination and bravery. As for Harry, he no longer deserves our attention. The Paralympic movement existed before him and will long outlast his brief and self-serving involvement. I say we shift our focus to the athletes who deserve our admiration and support.


In conclusion, Prince Harry's hypocrisy around disabled athletes is a disgrace that cannot go unchecked. He has continuously used wounded veterans as props while ignoring Paralympians who don't fit his agenda. Through his refusal to support all para-athletes equally, Harry has revealed that compassion was never his goal - only self-promotion. Meanwhile, William and Kate show us what true leadership looks like. Going forward, let our attention be on the remarkable people overcoming adversity through sport, not those who cynically claim to champion them only when it serves their purposes. That's all for now folks - stay tuned for more royal revelations!

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