Meg Is Arrested Now As Angela Levin Releases Evidence Of Meg Running An Illegal Business & Stealing



In yet another bombshell revelation rocking the British royal family, acclaimed royal biographer Angela Levin has come forward with explosive allegations claiming that the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, attempted to steal a staggering $200,000 worth of sensitive research materials from her. According to Levin's account, Meghan repeatedly tried to coerce her into handing over interview notes and recordings she had compiled during the research for her biography on Prince Harry, even going so far as to offer huge sums of money for the sensitive information. 


Levin was first approached by Meghan back in 2018 when she was commissioned to write an authorized biography of Prince Harry titled "Harry: Conversations with the Prince." As part of her research, Levin conducted multiple in-depth interviews with Harry as well as other members of the royal family, gaining unprecedented access and insights into the young royal. However, it seems Meghan was anything but pleased with the level of access Levin had been granted to Harry. According to Levin's telling, Meghan was clearly threatened by the amount of time Levin was spending with Harry and the intimate details she was learning about him and his true character.


Levin claims Meghan's attempts to acquire her research materials began with an initial $50,000 offer which Levin refused. Undaunted, Meghan then increased her offer exponentially to a staggering $200,000 - an exorbitant amount clearly demonstrating just how desperate she was to get her hands on Levin's sensitive materials. But Levin refused to be bought, standing her ground and asserting that the information was hers alone and that she would not betray Harry's trust by selling or handing over her research under any circumstances.  


Undeterred, Meghan then took an even more brazen and alarming approach - enlisting her personal lawyers to send Levin a cease and desist letter, attempting to intimidate and legally demand that she turn over her interviews. But Levin refused to back down or be bullied, maintaining possession of the invaluable insights she had gained. While Meghan clearly thought she could throw money or legal pressure at the problem to get her way, Levin proved unwilling to compromise her journalistic integrity or betray the trust placed in her by Harry.


In the end, Levin's authorised biography was published to widespread acclaim in 2018, providing a rare and intimate look inside the life of the young prince. However, it seems Meghan wanted to ensure the public saw only the carefully crafted image she had presented, and not the "real Harry" Levin had come to know, who may not have been entirely under her control. Levin speculates that Meghan was terrified her book could potentially undermine or cast Meghan in a negative light by revealing things she wanted kept private. It appears Meghan was hellbent on maintaining complete control over the narrative and preventing any version of events from emerging except her own.


The implications of Levin's allegations are far-reaching, calling into even greater question Meghan's sincerity and true motives. Her willingness to resort to underhanded tactics like attempted theft and legal intimidation in order to control the private details of her relationship with Harry seriously undermine her carefully cultivated persona as a compassionate, charitable woman committed to speaking truth and empowering others. Indeed, many now view these revelations as exposing Meghan's apparent sense of entitlement and diva-like belief that she can simply throw money at problems or people to get her way. It's a disturbing pattern that echoes other reports of Meghan's difficult behavior.


The ongoing fallout from this latest scandal is sure to inflict lasting damage on Meghan's public reputation. By refusing to back down or be intimidated, Levin has bolstered her own credibility while further chipping away at the facade Meghan works tirelessly to maintain. With Meghan's carefully manicured image of virtue and authenticity now in tatters, and more revelations potentially still to come, it seems the real truth about the Duchess of Sussex is often far more complex, calculated and controversial than the persona she presents to the world. As with other royal scandals past, this disturbing saga continues to unfold, underscoring how the powerful behind palace walls are not above reproach. In the court of public opinion, it appears Meghan Markle's reputation hangs in an increasingly precarious position.

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