 As you can probably hear, it's quite noisy around me with all the airport sounds in the background. I'll try my best to speak up loudly and clearly so you can all hear me properly. 

I wanted to touch base with you about this incredible power move that Harry and Meghan made during their recent tour of Colombia. Their decision to ban all UK media outlets from covering their trip was nothing short of brilliant in my opinion. From all that I've heard and seen, their tour of Colombia was an enormous success with packed itineraries each day meeting leaders, visiting charitable programs, and engaging with the local community. 

But I have to say the thing that stood out most to me was Harry and Meghan choosing to only allow one single journalist from Harper's Bazaar to report on their activities during the tour. They shut out every single UK-based media platform, including major outlets like the BBC, ITV, Telegraph and others. Even publications generally considered more favorable towards the couple like the Telegraph weren't given access. It was a bold and strategic decision on their part, and one that has rightfully angered members of the UK press.
There were a couple important reasons for this move in my view. Firstly, Harry clearly understood that inviting British journalists would likely result in leaks, negativity, and distorted or misleading coverage of events. We've seen time and time again how certain UK tabloids love hounding Harry and Meghan at every turn, misrepresenting what they say, twisting their words and actions. It's an abusive cycle that has severely damaged their mental health and privacy in the past. 

Harry knows very well that some within the British press have little regard for truth or ethics, and will do anything to drum up controversy where there is none. They endlessly scrutinize and criticize the couple's every move. By shutting them out entirely in Colombia, Harry ensured they could enjoy the tour freely without such toxic influences following their every step. 

It also sends a strong signal that Harry and Meghan will no longer tolerate being bullied or harassed by these publications. For too long the couple have been subject to nasty, racist, and blatantly false stories in the pages of UK tabloids. By banning them, it removes their ability to negatively impact important work like the Colombia tour. The UK press is seething about this understandable decision, which only further proves its necessity.
A second important factor in this media ban was security. Harry would have been acutely aware of past incidents where British press leaks have compromised his protection, or endangered sensitive situations. Remember when details of their itinerary in New Zealand were leaked ahead of time? There have also been examples of paparazzi tips offs, spying, and breaches of privacy even when security was involved. 

By only allowing one carefully selected journalist with Harper's Bazaar, Harry knew exactly who had access and controlled the flow of information. No opportunity existed for unwanted security issues. Given the size and importance of the Colombia events, taking security measures seriously was absolutely critical. 

In protecting themselves while positively impacting others through this tour, Harry and Meghan have shown incredible strength and resilience. They went about their work focused entirely on important priorities like empowering women and addressing climate change. Seeing pictures and video clips of their loving interactions, the care they showed to each person they encountered, and their ease publicly speaking was inspirational. 
With each public appearance, Harry and Meghan demonstrate the kind of compassionate leadership so sorely needed in the world. Their brand of modern royalty promotes causes of meaning like mental health, women's rights, environmental stewardship. It's small wonder the people of Colombia embraced them so warmly despite a relatively short visit. International followers of the couple grew tremendously as a result.

So in summary, I applaud Harry and Meghan's savvy media ban during their Colombia tour. It allowed important work to proceed freely and safely, while also pushing back against habitual harassment normalized for too long. Their approach sends a strong signal about setting boundaries and prioritizing wellbeing. While the toxic UK press shrieks its disapproval, the couple's progressive vision for public service gains ever more supporters worldwide. It will be intriguing to see how this power move impacts future royal tours. Their light undoubtedly shines all the brighter having banished negativity from following in their shadows.
Well folks, that's about all the time I have before I need to get going to my gate. Please share any thoughts in the comments on Harry and Meghan's Colombia tour and media ban strategy. Also be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any future updates from me, even when I'm on the run at the airport! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day. Thanks so much for tuning in - talk to you again soon!

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