The fat pig is certainly making some bold claims these days. Dan Wootton has returned with a vengeance, exposing all sorts of rumors and controversies surrounding the British royal family. And in doing so, he may be inadvertently revealing even more family secrets than he intends. 

It's no secret that Wootton has long been a vocal critic of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. But in his efforts to drag them through the mud, he now seems to be exposing sensitive details about Prince William and Kate as well. According to Wootton, the real reason the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge recently released a romantic home video was not to celebrate the end of William's treatment for cancer, as was portrayed. Rather, it was specifically done to counter rumors about trouble in their own marriage spread by Harry and Meghan allies. 
If this claim is true, it shows William and Kate in a surprisingly defensive and reactive light. Rather than taking the high road, they may have felt threatened enough by the Sussexes greater popularity to engage in a subtle propaganda campaign of their own. Of course, we only have Wootton's word for this interpretation so far. But the fact that he was willing to make such an explosive allegation at all suggests tensions behind palace doors run much deeper than previously thought. 

Wootton didn't stop there either. In his mission to discredit Harry and Meghan, he's also dragged the Daily Mail itself into the fray. He accused the tabloid of poaching a columnist from another paper for the sole purpose of publishing positive articles about Harry, all in a desperate bid to sway public opinion as the duke's lawsuit against the Mail progresses. Whether or not this is factual, the rant further reinforces the increasingly personal and petty nature of the ongoing disputes. 
The fallout didn't end with the royals either. Even Richard Eden, the journalist Wootton criticized, felt obligated to respond and distance himself from the story. Eden affirmed he was just doing his job as a reporter, not participating in some pro-monarchy propaganda. This back and forth exposed raw nerves all around and suggested the debate had spiraled well beyond objective analysis. All the commentary seems designed to provoke rather than inform. 

More astonishing accusations have also surfaced elsewhere in reaction to the home video. Charles and Camilla are said by observers to be furious that the Middletons—Kate's commoner family—were included in the intimate footage at all. The implication is that their presence was another calculated move to downplay Harry and Meghan's egalitarian brand, disregarding royal traditions of keeping extended non-blue blood relatives out of the spotlight. If true, it paints an unflattering picture of behind-the-scenes power dynamics. 
Meanwhile, other critics have emerged claiming Prince George, at only 11 years old, was far too young to participate in his first solo flying lesson as depicted. They insinuate this was simply another transparent PR stunt orchestrated by the Cambridges solely for image-building purposes. Whether that perspective is fair is debatable, but coming so soon after the video's release, it intensifies skepticism around the family's motivations. 

So in the end, Wootton may have done more than just reignite the transatlantic Sussex-Cambridge feud. By injecting himself so unreservedly into the discussion and floating unverified bombshell accusations, he seemingly peeled back layers of a much messier private feud that has little to do with the actions of Harry and Meghan themselves. Even close William-Kate allies like Richard Braine were moved to dissociate from the resulting hysteria. Going forward, rebuilding trust between not just the rival branches of the royal family but the press on all sides as well may be a steeper challenge than ever. All because one biased commentator chose to throw fuel on the flames rather than help douse them. Only time will tell if these newest divides can be repaired anytime soon.

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