It seems Dan Wootton is spiraling out of control on Twitter in response to the royal family wishing Prince Harry a happy birthday. Dan, who is clearly upset by the Palace's birthday wishes, called Catherine something highly inappropriate and disrespectful. Using such derogatory language is beneath anyone, let alone a former journalist. 

Dan claims Harry accused William of being a bully and that Harry never called Catherine by the derogatory name Dan used. However, there is no evidence Harry said those things about William. It seems Dan may be projecting his own negative feelings towards the Cambridges rather than accurately representing Harry's views. 
Why is Dan so angry towards William and Catherine? Could it be related to him losing his job at the Daily Mail? Losing a prestigious position at a major publication would understandably cause resentment. But to lash out with personal insults crosses a line. There must be deeper issues fueling Dan's hostility. 

As a former insider, Dan likely knows private details about the royal family few others are aware of. His inside knowledge often gave credibility to his past reporting. However, if he is now making false claims and inappropriate personal attacks, it calls into question anything he alleges. Spouting insults damages Dan's reputation as a reliable source and journalist. 
It's possible pent-up frustration from losing his position, combined with privileged information no longer being utilized, has caused Dan to unravel online. Unresolved bitterness tends to fester and deteriorate one's judgment over time. While the public enjoys insight from past insiders, there must be a line between reporting facts and toxic venting of personal emotions. 

Using a derogatory term against Catherine was truly uncalled for and helps no meaningful discussion. Her character seems to have been damaged purely to lash out or get a reaction. There are appropriate ways to critique royals without resorting to sexist slurs. If Dan has genuine evidence of wrongdoing, he would be wise to present facts and allow them to speak for themselves, not hurl improper insults.
Dan holding secret information could give him influence, but such poisonous language may deter any rational listener. While his knowledge once gave power, its value disappears if he destroys his own credibility. Perhaps in his anger and frustration, Dan has lost perspective on maintaining standards as a journalist entrusted with sensitive material. 

Unless concrete evidence emerges regarding Catherine or other royals, Dan's rants risk appearing as nothing more than the bitter ramblings of a disgruntled former employee. While being on the inside provided access in the past, being shut out may now motivate unethical vengeance in how privileged info is handled. The public can only hope responsibility and discretion will return before sensitive royal secrets are abused.
Going forward, it remains to be seen if Dan can check his rage and return to a fact-based discussion befitting his past role. However, if further unsubstantiated insults continue, he may permanently damage not only how the Cambridges are viewed, but also undermine anything he still claims to know. In the war of words between Dan and the royals, only truth and proof of wrongdoing will ultimately prevail over unchecked emotional outbursts.

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