⛑️EXCLUDED!⛑️ Harry Has Been EXCLUDED From LINE Of SUCCESSION After King's Meeting With Parliament



It has long been understood that residing outside of the United Kingdom and abandoning royal duties could see one removed from the line of succession to the British throne. This may now become a reality for Prince Harry. Sources have indicated that the royal family's summer gathering at Balmoral this year will see an intense discussion around Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's future with the institution, potentially even addressing their coveted royal titles. Some believe this could be part of a plot of revenge within the royal family against Harry due to his actions since stepping back as a senior royal.


The line of succession can be altered through an act of parliament if a member of the royal family chooses to permanently reside outside of the UK and no longer undertakes duties associated with their royal position. Currently sitting fifth in line to the throne, Prince Harry finds his place in succession hanging by a thread due to living in the United States and distancing himself from royal obligations over the past two years. Should such a drastic measure be taken, it would not only impact Prince Harry but also remove his children from the line of succession in what would be a cruel fate. 


Professor Robert Blackburn, an expert in constitutional law at King's College London, has shed light on Harry's precarious situation. While living abroad alone does not legally disqualify one from the throne, Blackburn notes that parliament could remove Harry through legislation, drawing parallels to Edward VIII's abdication in 1936. It is believed Harry would willingly relinquish his place in succession should the matter become contentious, hinting at the possibility of his voluntary abdication to pursue a more private life free from the duties and public expectations of royalty.


Over the decades, various acts of parliament have shaped the rules and imposed conditions for monarchical succession. Significant examples include the Bill of Rights in 1689 that set out the line of succession, and the Act of Settlement in 1701 that barred Catholics from the throne. However, the most notable change came in 1936 when the monarchy's greatest crisis since the Glorious Revolution saw Edward VIII abdicate to marry American divorcée Wallis Simpson, requiring an act of parliament for his brother George VI to replace him as king. According to Blackburn, removing Harry would likely require a similarly initiated government bill.


While technically backbenchers or peers could introduce a private member's bill on the matter, it would likely be blocked. The only plausible scenario Blackburn envisions would be attaching a clause to address Harry's situation when updating another piece of legislation like the Regency Act, with the intent symbolizing his desire to fully separate from royal obligations. This assessment draws parallels between Harry's situation and that which led to his great-uncle's abdication, with both appearing to prioritize private lives over duties of the monarchy. 

In January 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced plans to step back as senior working royals to achieve financial independence. This decision generated fervent discussion about their future roles. However, in the two years since relocating to the US and embarking on post-royal careers, their actions have caused controversy and damaged relations with the family. 


Harry and Meghan have sat for high-profile interviews criticizing the institution with Oprah and given a tell-all documentary for Netflix, while Harry's memoir "Spare" is due out soon. They also recently undertook a controversial trip to Colombia to promote female empowerment, leaving senior royals reportedly furious. All of this behavior appears to have escalated tensions within the family.

Sources indicate that the Duke and Duchess's titles and roles will face intense debate at this summer's royal family gathering in Balmoral. Not only will their upcoming tours and trips be discussed, but also whether they deserve to maintain their prestigious titles and positions in light of their actions throwing the monarchy under the bus for commercial gain and attacks on the institution worldwide. It seems payback may now be on the agenda, with the potential for retribution in removing Harry's place in line of succession and his children's inheritances to the throne. Only the coming months will reveal if such a dramatic move transpires, further eroding the Sussexes bond with the British institution.


In conclusion, Prince Harry appears to have followed in Edward VIII's footsteps by prioritizing private life over royal obligations. However, this choice could see retaliation through removing him from the line of succession at the royal family's upcoming summit. While unprecedented, the law allows for such a move should Harry fully separate from his duties through abdication or exile. How the monarchy navigates this modern crisis remains uncertain, but it is clear tensions over Harry and Meghan's actions are coming to a head this summer at Balmoral.

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