Meghan Markle treats Prince Harry as a nothing!" Angela Levin reveals truth about marriage crisis


For some time now, there have been rumors circulating about cracks forming in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's marriage. Many observers of the royal family have commented on Harry's unhappy demeanor during public appearances with Meghan in recent years. Anglo Levin, a royal correspondent who covered Harry for 15 months, believes Harry is going through a difficult time and needs help. In a recent interview, Levin said that while Harry used to care deeply for others in need, she no longer sees that same caring expression on his face.  


Harry and Meghan have long denied any troubles in their marriage. But their attempts to convince the public all is well actually do more to raise suspicions than put rumors to rest. In one particularly "phony" denial to the Daily Telegraph, Harry claimed how happy he was in America and with his married life, despite never smiling and giving every indication that the opposite was true. According to Levin, anyone who truly felt happy and content in their life would not feel the need to be "pushed and pulled" in the way Harry appears to be.

So what is really going on behind closed doors? Levin believes Harry and Meghan's marriage is entirely driven by their public relations team's desire to keep them relevant in the spotlight. With the couple failing to gain much attention or acclaim for their charitable work, their PR team has instructed them to cook up schemes to stay in the news. The frequent denials of marital trouble are just another staged PR ploy, as the more attention they receive, the happier they seem to be.  


Levin has also witnessed firsthand how Meghan treats Harry with utter disrespect. During their tour of South America, Meghan openly laughed at and scolded Harry in front of others. She also made a point of separating him from the important figures at a meal in Colombia, leaving him isolated to eat alone. Such behavior would be unacceptable for any couple behind closed doors, let alone members of the royal family in public. But Meghan doesn't care about maintaining appearances - she frequently puts Harry down and controls him to boost her own ego.

As a result, Harry has become a shell of his former self. Once cared for as the beloved "spare heir," he is now under Meghan's thumb with no will or identity of his own. Even his own 40th birthday is likely to be overshadowed by Meghan's demands. Harry's misery was palpable during their South America tour, reminding observers of the doomed appearances made by Prince Charles and Princess Diana as their marriage crumbled.  


Another sign that Harry is distancing himself from Meghan's grip is reconnecting with old UK friends that Meghan insisted he cut ties with, including military buddies from his time in the armed forces. According to Levin, maintaining contact with these influential friends from his past is quite significant. However, she acknowledges Harry could just as easily cut them off again once they've served their purpose of assisting with his supposed plans to return to the UK.


In fact, Harry appears to have no real intention of coming back to Britain or resuming royal duties. The rumors that Harry is lobbying the royal family, with help from those UK friends, are likely just more fabrication from his PR team. Prince William has made it clear he wants Harry kept far away from his children due to concerns over what Harry might reveal to the press. Other royals also want nothing to do with Harry given his betrayal of the family in interviews. 


While Harry briefly stayed with Earl Spencer, Diana's brother, during a recent UK visit, analysts doubt Earl Spencer truly wants the burden of responsibility for Harry either. Earl Spencer had a troubled past and relationship with Diana himself. Any attempts to paint Earl Spencer as leading an "operation to bring Harry in from the cold" are more likely being orchestrated by Harry's PR handlers to rehabilitate his image. 

Adding another twist to the saga, UK newspaper the Daily Mail seems intent on promoting a sympathetic narrative for Harry, possibly due to worries over Harry's ongoing lawsuit against them. The Mail has absurdly pressured Prince William to forgive and forget Harry's verbal attacks for the sake of unity. However, as Levin rightly points out, William owes Harry nothing after the way he smeared the royal family just months ago without any apology. 


In the end, the only way for Harry to convince the royals and public of his supposed reformation would be to retract all the lies published about William, Kate, Charles and Camilla in his biography. Selectively editing future editions would be a true sign of accountability and character growth. But observers doubt Harry has any real interest in righting his past wrongs - he is only concerned with maintaining his and Meghan's fame through whatever PR stunts or manipulations necessary. Ultimately, it seems Prince Harry has burned too many bridges to ever regain a place in the heart of the British royal family again.

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