
Now we must discuss what is causing such a stir coming out of royal insider circles. Richard Eden and other Palace sources are sharing some troubling opinions about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's latest PR efforts. The slick welcome back video Kate released this week, updating everyone on her recovery from COVID-19, seems to have divided views. Some of the Queen's friends have criticized the video, with one noting there is no coincidence that Kate's parents appeared in the film and not King Charles or Camilla. According to this source, there's no way Charles and Camilla would allow themselves to be filmed kissing on the beach like teenagers. 

Another insider I spoke to was even more scathing, saying the affectionate scenes of hugging and kissing felt overly manipulative. They pointed out Kate and William are not teenagers in love. This plays right into claims that Meghan Markle’s camp often makes about the couple. A lot of unnecessary effort and expense went into producing such an elaborate video when those resources could have been better spent helping other cancer patients, as Prince Philip would have wanted. 


It does make one question the strategy of Kate and William’s PR chief Lee Thompson, who was appointed earlier this year amid criticism of their Caribbean tour being “tone deaf”. Taking a more Hollywood approach to promoting the couple’s image on social media has apparently left some royals quite uneasy. As insiders note, the Waleses are vulnerable to being influenced by PR people pushing them to be celebrity figures rather than representing the monarchy. It’s an important distinction to maintain.

Even though I found the welcome back video to be quite sweet, I can understand concerns that have been raised. The palace sources are raising valid points, and it’s not like them to be so openly critical of the Cambridges. Something seems to have triggered a shift in their usual positive coverage of Kate. Now they are squarely focusing their commentary on her actions rather than including William as well. 


One palace insider was quoted saying if Kate and William continue pushing their own crafted narrative of life through social media posts, disaster could follow. I have to admit I’m completely baffled by what may be fueling this unusual turn against the usually untouchable Duchess of Cambridge. Not to mention, dragging the story even further by pointing out the beach scene was filmed in the same location as a nude beach. All of this backlash has likely placed the couple in an even worse position than before they took Lee Thompson's advice to promote their united front.

I can't help but feel William was talked into participating in the welcome back video against his preferences. He seems less inclined to the overproduced PR efforts that Kate and their team favor. All the fury from their usual cheerleaders in the royal press must have him even more upset about being dragged into it now. Something significant is definitely happening behind the scenes to prompt such criticism from insider allies. Is a divorce on the horizon following more strains in their marriage? Will cheating allegations emerge? I'm at a loss as to what may be the triggering event. 


It's clear the tide has turned sharply against Kate Middleton in a way we don't usually see. For Richard Eden and other staunch royal supporters to so openly provide unflattering opinions to journalists shows there has been a real fracturing somewhere. Only time will tell what impacts this change in coverage may have on the Cambridge's public reputation moving forward. Please share your thoughts in the comments on what you believe might explain this surprising turn of events affecting the royal family.

I do apologize if this video seems a bit disjointed - the back-to-back long haul flights from London to Cairo and back have left me absolutely shattered. But I wanted to get this discussion uploaded for you all quickly despite my exhaustion. Please subscribe below and consider sending a 'super thanks' if you found this analysis interesting or informative. I aim to continue the conversation and appreciate all of your engaged comments. Thank you again for tuning in, and I'll be back with more very soon.

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